2009/12/4 floriano <floriano.l...@gmail.com>:
> PS: When goasuraj takes Goa's High Command in hand, the first to get hit 
> are our dear dear doctors :-))

Mario observes:


My medical research informs me that to avoid HIV/AIDS one of the things you 
need to do is avoid, or be very careful, when taking anyone else "in hand":-)) 

Floriano writes:

In your long list of enumeration of classic flaws, you have left out the 
recent one that of  our GMC docs having found out that the recent death in 
GMC attributed to rabies came about after 25 years of a dog bite. I don't 
want to comment on the efficacy of this finding but what stikes me as 
stupidity is that the patient was diagnosed as psychiatric when all 
manifestations were of rabies.

Mario responds:

Saiba boggus!  Are you calling the doctors at GMC stupid?  The very doctors who 
may have to treat you some day?  Perhaps even for rabies?  Even a layman like 
me knows it doesn't take 25 years to die from rabies, except perhaps at GMC:-))

BTW, did you tell the doctors at GMC that, in your medical opinion, "all 
manifestations were of rabies" for the last 25 years?

Floriano wrote:

the world of pharmaceutical companies do conduct potent research 
to come out with remedies for the most common ills. But they ignore cheap 
natural God given remedies because they are cheaply available and one cannot 
make money over it. And if money cannot be made, then the BIG pharmas cannot 

Mario observes:

Makes sense.  Let's shut them all down and save all that money since all we 
need is water, virgin coconut oil, aloe vera, flaxseed oil, cottage cheese and 
vauchi baaji.

But wait.  Why should a pharmaceutical company do research on stuff they don't 
sell?  If they do they will be accused of bias.  Shouldn't the people who sell 
those things do the research?

Do you sell houses and let others build the house and collect the payments?

Floriano wrote:

Dr. Johanna Budwig has been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize for 
effective simple remedy to treat cancer with flaxseed oil and cottage cheese 
combination. But she has failed to  get the prize. The world would go bust if 
she got the Nobel Prize, in'it?? 

Mario responds:

I hate to tell you this, re, but anyone with a typewriter and the cost of 
postage can nominate someone for a Nobel Prize.  I thought everyone learned 
that when the world was shocked that President Obama could be awarded a Nobel 
prize for nothing from a nomination that had to be made before he even got 
elected.  How do you like that, hanh?!

The only way the world would "go bust" due to Dr. Budwig is if she were to 
successfully put her remedies through the same test as real medicines.

Until then, her friends can continue to nominate her till the proverbial cows 
come home and nothing further will come of it, because her skin is not black 
like President Obama's, so she gets no special points in the Nobel committee's 
affirmative action or reservations programs:-))

Floriano wrote:

If Saudi Arabia (if I am not mistaken) had not bought the inventor of the 
first electric car for millions of dollars and shelved the invention, its 
economy which is based on oil would go bust. Its nothing but money after 

Mario responds:

I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.  The Saudis don't have enough money to buy 
anyone who has a real alternative auto technology to compete with the gasoline 
engine right now.  The folks at Reva in Bangalore would love for someone to buy 
them out.

Floriano wrote:

Cecil Pinto prefers to joke about Aloe Vera. Actually his mania is against 
MLMs.  Instead he should ask his grandmother (if she is still living)  what 
home remedy she used to treat wounds going septic without going to expensive 
doctors and opting for expensive medicines.

Mario responds:

Please let's keep Cecil's Granny out of this.  I doubt he allowed her to use 
Aloe Vera either.

Floriano writes:

Today, the Japanese have come out with water ionizers  which were unheard of 
some couple of years ago. Our natural water resources are going acidic day by 
day thro god knows what pollution.

Mario responds:

When only God knows, you can safely blame it on global warming:-))

Floriano wrote:

I don't take ecosprin and acorex any more but eat raw spinach dipped in Virgin 
Coconut oil ( 30 leaves of vauchi baaji)  every morning where the vauchi baaji 
comes from my kitchen garden. It supplies my quota of folic acid/per day intake 
which neutralises/brings down the blood homocysteine. 

Mario responds:

I think the sound I just heard was Jose, Santosh, Eric, Anand, Anesimo, and 
Anil falling off their chairs, while Gilbert and Fr. Ivo were heard saying, 
"That's what I've been telling them for years, murre!":-)) 

Floriano wrote:

And the Japanese have found out that 4 x 160 ml glasses of water taken first 
thing in the morning before brushing up, gets rid of most ills like 
diabetes, arthritis etc, even heart attacks.

Mario responds:

I tried this once and spent most of the day running to the bathroom:-))

Floriano wrote:

I shall conclude my tirade to say that God has given mankind the cheapest 
and the most effective medicine. PURE WATER. And we despise it ....

Mario responds:

Not true.  Saiba boggus.  Please don't despise water, murre.  I've never used 
it as a medicine but we use it to bathe and keep germs away.  Many people use 
it to drink - not me, I stick to beer, which is made with water - we use it to 
grow food, to put out fires, to transport ore barges, for fishes to live in for 
us to eat, and we use it to make fenny, not much, just a little.

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