This thread reminded me of a poster behind my life insurance agent's desk.

It went some thing like this:

Once there lived a man who led a clean life. He did not drink, smoke, or
womanize. He did see movies, listen to music, or dance. He did not fight,
and he did not love.

And then one day he suddenly died. When his heirs made a claim on his life
insurance, it was denied. The insurance company said they could not make a
claim since the man had never lived.

The moral of the poster is that every thing in moderation is good.

My family from mother's side settled in Bombay early 1900s. Most of them
died before 65 or so even though they did not eat much coconuts. Mostly from
heart attacks, cancers.

My father's side, most were in the Mangalore area which they never left. For
them, eating coconuts five times a day was religion. But most lived to be
close to 100, and some lived beyond for a few years.

My mother came to Mangalore area some time after marrying. She is close to
90 and still active (no compromises on coconuts). But with each passing day
she finds herself lonely, with even her nephews and nieces passing on.

I keep telling my wife coconuts are not bad, but with no effect.

Says something about life.


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