For  over five consecutive  years i.e since  4th October 2004 and  2nd 
February, 2005  onwards, successive Commodore-in-Charge’s (Karwar ) 
Headquarters, FO(K) Naval Base, near the over Rs. 35,000  crores  Sea Bird  
(INS Kadamba ) Project at Anjedic   in gross violation of the agreed  terms of 
the order dated 8th December, 1987  and 26th July, 1989  have disallowed the 
celebrations of the customary feasts of  St Francis de Assisi on 4th October, 
and “ Nossa Senhora de Brotas “  (Our Lady of Springs)  on 2nd February, on the 
37,005 ha Anjediva Island a part of Canacona Taluka, South Goa District , Goa 
presently under the Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, though still a part of 
Goa,  as it is  not ceded under any act of Parliament.

The reasons invariably cited for denying celebrations of age old customary 
festivities   on all occasions, ranged from a) either naval exercises are going 
on and warships  are in place, or b) the base is operational, or c) due to 
security reasons, law and order problem in Karwar the district administration 
Karwar  has not recommended celebration of the feast., (though the State of 
Karnataka has no  jurisdiction whatsoever on the Anjediv   Island ) and   d) 
due to current security scenario in the country & recent terrorist threat to 
naval base as per media reports (Jan 2009) visitors are not being allowed in 
the base.

But that  all this clearly smacks of  a mere alibi to deny the faithful has now 
been established beyond doubt .  

On the occasion of Navy Week Celebrations this year from  4th December ( 
Victory day of Indo-Pak war of 1971 ) to 6th December, 2009  this writer 
visited the base Headquarters at Arga , via Chendia, Karwar.  On production of  
a photo-identity card   as proof  of identity, insisted upon  by  the Security 
Officials  at the Main Gate,  an entry pass bearing serial No:1439 dated  6th 
December, 2009 was issued  at  1203  hrs to this writer.  Photography was 
strictly prohibited.   Cell phone  numbers were recorded and those with camera 
cell phones advised to refrain from taking photographs.  Then alongwith others 
we  were  ferried by private  minibuses with a security official seated in each 
of such minibuses  ( understood to have been engaged on contract of Rs.2000/-  
per day ).  upto the ships ramp.  Both  INS Aditya and  INS Jamuna   were kept 
open to the public.  Entry to the vessel  “Investigator” was prohibited.
 Later  we were treated to free cold
 drinks and biscuits at INS Aditya ( drinking water was not available to any of 
the visitors ).

Looking beyond the base the Church of Nossa Senhora de Brotas at Anjediv 
Island  appeared as a  “ white dot ” on the western horizon. The 1.2 kms 
causeway leading to the Church connecting the Anjediv Island from the Bhaitkol 
(Port) enclave end,  which since the last visit of this writer on 2nd February, 
2004 has remained  unasphalted .  
When a Naval official was asked about the state of the Church by this writer he 
informed discreetly   that the Church is “OK condition”  but kept out of bounds 
from the public as well as the officers at the base for “security reasons” and 
would not elaborate any further when probed a little more by this writer.

The entire  break water in the periphery of the Sea Bird project  from the 
Bhaitkol Enclave covering area around Kamat Enclave at Binaga (Behind St Anne’s 
Church/Cemetery )  and Arga via Chendia Head quarter spans to 3.5 kms according 
to the Naval official.  

For the records it may be noted that the Sea bird project was conceptualized in 
1986 but commenced activity only in 1999 .  The last phase is  yet to get 
underway.  Its uniqueness is its first automated ship lift technology for under 
water maintenance  and is the largest docking base ie. almost 42 ships could be 
docked which could avoid congestion at Vizag   and Mumbai Naval bases.

Having enjoyed some delicacies of food and refreshments, at costs,   organized 
by the cadets at the campus but catered to on contract  the visit  ended.  
There were entertainment programs scheduled for the evening until 2200 hrs. 
according to the Naval official   and he admitted that  the crowds surge the 
venue only in the evenings.  Due to hot weather conditions day visit by the 
public  to the venue  is minimal.

But for all the so called security hype created by the security officials 
insisting  that entry passes would have to be surrendered at the time of 
exit   appeared to be relaxed in the afternoon siesta.   

This  writer walked out the main gate in full  security officials gaze  without 
being asked to surrender the same (and now still in possession of this writer ) 
but instead  received a warm handshake as a farewell gesture from the security 

One wonders why if the Naval authorities could permit the members of the public 
to enter not only the base but also the warships without much ado; during the 
Navy Week from morning to night  could this same procedure not be adopted to 
permit the faithful on the  Anjediv Island for the customary feasts only from 
morning to afternoon? 

Incidentally on 2nd February, 2004 this practice of issuing entry passes was 
undertaken by the parishioners of St Annes Church Binaga on behalf of the Sea 
Bird officials.  Though provision of safe drinking water and  mobile toilets 
were provided by Sea Bird officials    

However it was  only the unfortunate denial of  entry imposed on   natives from 
Karwar, State of  Karnataka mainly of the  fishing community  (who also 
celebrate the feast as “Zorinche Saibin” ) on the one hand and  allowing only 
those from Goa  for  celebrating the customary feast by Commodore S S Karnik 
that led to the near law and order situations.  

The “enfante terrible” of this polarization on communal lines was actually done 
by his predecessor  Commodore  B R Rao ( upto 31.10.2003)  (now ensconced in 
the Integrated Headquarters (Navy) Ministry of Defence (New Delhi) who had an 
axe to grind with the Karwar Municipal Corporation  over their “non 
co-operative attitude” with the Sea Bird officials in discharging civic 

However the undercurrent of the simmering discontent as informed to this writer 
by the locals was that the Sea Bird officials who have usurped almost the whole 
of the Binaga beach for themselves and inconvenienced over  4000 families from 
across 13 villages in Karwar by acquiring their land for a pittance or nothing 
at all and  providing employment only to migrants North Indians was the reason 
for the locals frustration on the Sea Bird authorities till this day. 

The role of Mr. Pramod Mutalik another self anointed firebrand leader based in 
Hubli ( expelled from the Bajrang Dal  and now running his own outfit which was 
recently in the news for communal incidents at Mangalore )  took the 
opportunity to consolidate his base in Karwar and threatened  on 21st October 
2004 to enter the Anjediv Island and perform “artis”  at the venue  where a 
deity was existing but shifted to Ankola as is believed to be the pre 
Portuguese situation (before 1500 ) or ban all  festivities there.  This 
resulted in the Deputy Commissioner of North Kanara District to impose a ban on 
any religious activity on the Island on 21.10.2004

However little did Mr. Mutalik or the then DC Mr. Ritesh Kumar Singh realize 
that the Anjediv Island is a part of Goa and has not been ceded yet .  Moreover 
customary feast was being celebrated on the Island by all communities from Goa 
and coastal Karwar city without a whimper and hence Mr. Mutalik could in no way 
impose his writ or that of his latest  outfit on the people much less the Navy..

This writer post lunch session then also  visted the residence of  Minister for 
Fisheries Government of Karnataka and MLA Karwar Mr. Ananth  Asnotikar on Main 
Road Karwar to request  him to remove the ban on the visit to the Island as the 
DC (UK)  has acted beyond his jurisdiction on a matter which comes within the 
purview of the State of Goa..  Lately both the District Magistrates of South 
and North Goa Districts have banned the entry of Mr. Pramod Mutalik in Goa 
which also includes Canacona taluka 

However he was not available but a message was left behind.

The Union Minister for Defence on the directions  of the UPA Chairperson Ms 
Sonia Gandhi  conveyed through the Member of Parliament Mr. B K Hari Prasad 
also the All India Congress Committee General secretary Goa desk has on 5th 
February, 2009 assured to examine the restoration of the customary festivities.

It is therefore clear that this highhandedness of the Naval officials at Sea 
Bird does not augur well for their conduct in maintaining good public relations 
with the civilians be it in Goa or Karwar.

At the venue at Arga there were several photographs showing the Sea Bird 
officials coming to the rescue of flood victims at Gadag during the recent 
unprecendented torrential downpour in 2nd 3rd , October 2009 but all this 
cannot restore the ill will the civilians have towards the Sea Bird officials. 

Ironically while the Sea Bird officials speak of security concerns the 
neighbouring sister Islands of Kudumgad Madlingad and Devgad   near Anjediva 
celebrate the Feast of Lord Narasimha on Kudumgad in January with much fervour 
and gaiety.

What is really astonishing is that despite the Government of Goa reiterating in 
a letter dated 19/04/2006 to this writer that the conditions of handing over of 
Anjediv for use of the Ministry of Defence  viz allowing celebration of the 
customary feasts on the Island with due security considerations both  the Chief 
Minister of Goa, Shri Digamber Kamat and  Governor of Goa Dr S S Sidhu enjoyed 
the    Navy Day 4th December, 2009 celebrations  on the lawns of Rear Admiral 
Sudhir Pillai NM Flag Officer Commanding Goa Area   official residence at  
Vasco-da-Gama Goa but  neither of them broached this issue of violation of the 
agreed terms of transfer.

It is hoped that  our  Members of Parliament pursue this issue with the  
Minister of Defence and ensure that the Feast on 2nd February 2010 is permitted 
on the Anjediv in the same manner as they did on Navy Week celebrations.

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