
Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa


The Population of Catholics in Europe declined due to the second World War
in which 50 million catholic youth died and in recent decades the catholic
youth in Europe getting addicted to abortion pills, condoms, divorce,
homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, etc.

Unlike the United States, European politics are devoid of religion. There
are no prayer breakfasts and leaders seldom if ever invoke God or quote the
Bible. A socially liberal Europe has also scornfully rejected Catholicism in
favour of Secularism. This explains why Pope Benedict XVI is seen as a pope
intent on returning the catholic church to the Latin mass and overturning
Vatican II council of 1962-65 which baptized Secularism in Europe.

In Europe, the great cathedrals stand empty on most days, filled with more
tourists than worshipers. Some cathedrals, are generally attended by more
priests and nuns than lay people. There are more old people than young
people in Europe. Europe is now dependent on migrants from Asia and Africa
and European industries are dependent on markets in China, India and USA for

In India during the last 50 years the population of Hindus and Muslims has
grown tremendously by BIRTH but whatever minuscule growth in the population
of Catholics has happened is only because of religious conversions in rural,
dalit and tribal areas of India.

It is in Urban areas of India where the catholic population has declined
during the last few decades. The main reason being due to
job/housing/economic problems most of the catholics living in urban areas
get married at a late age and have few children. Majority of the catholics
living in urban areas of India are poor and marginalized.

Why did the catholic clergy not utilize Church assets / resources /
properties / wealth for helping poor and marginalized catholic parishioners
living in urban areas ? Why did the catholic missionaries not utilize their
foreign funds to help poor and marginalized catholics living in urban areas
? Why did the catholic clergy/missionaries/leaders not pressurize the
central/state governments to include the poor and marginalized catholics
living in urban areas in the governments job reservation list ?

Prior to Vatican II the clergy and religious lived an ascetic and arduous
life. They have since abused the responsible freedom of Vatican II to
jettison all forms of asceticism. They have "secularised" themselves in
work, thought and dress, even more than the laity who are supposed to live
and work in the secular sphere. The only other time that the catholic
clergy/missionaries requires the laity is when a priest or missionary has
been killed by right wing hindu organizations. Then the laity must come out
in vast numbers to support the priest and missionary.

The biggest advantage the right wing hindu organizations have is the support
of the local administration and police.

Apart from the clergy-laity divide, which is widening by the day. There is
the ethnic divide -- the Malayalees are separate, the Adivasis are in their
own cluster, and so on. This is why, in many urban areas, there are strong
associations of Malayalees and adivasis, who have more members and better
finances than the cosmopolitan and heterogeneous Catholic associations.

* *

The vacant properties and whatever wealth is in possession with the church
belongs to the parishioners and not the parish priest. With due respect to
the priests, they are shepherds of the flock. They should contain themselves
to just that. The priests come for a few years, finish their term of 2 - 6
years and leave to serve another parish. Therefore, it is best that all the
nitty-gritty of Church assets should be left rightfully to the parishoners.
After all, the Church and its assets belongs to its parishoners.

We need not go to any Government to form any board like Waqf board. Our
Cannon Law is good enough to protect and utilize church wealth for the
uplift of the poor catholics.

We must pressurize our bishops to form strong independent Finance committees
which should have a say in the administration of the movable and immovable
properties of the church. The existing finance committees are just an eye
wash without any teeth. The members of such committees are not even aware of
their roll. Perhaps they are deliberately kept in the dark for the reasons
best known to the authorities who control the wealth of the church.
Unfortunately our poor Catholics don't have the courage to fight for their
rights. Let us not forget that it is the Catholics who are and should be the
beneficiaries of the church wealth like the share holders of a limited

It should be made mandatory for every Church trust or bishop to publish
annual audited financial report  and it should be made available to every
church member as it is given to every share holder. If they fail  to do so
then only we can approach the Goverment to enact a law to that effect.

Look at European Church history and how catholics lost their grounds to
protestants and so on. You would find corruption as one root cause.

During the last 50 years most of the catholic churches that have been
constructed look like warehouses. A Church should be designed according to
proper Catholic theology.  The beauty of the Romanic and Gothic church now
disappears when tens and tens of horrendous buildings we wouldn't dare to
call "churches". The problem is that architects are given too much freedom
in their designs and, of course, that they lack a profound theological
instruction they'd need to built churches.

One of the major reasons why the prices of all food items has been
increasing in India during the recent years is due to the state governments
handing over fertile agricultural lands to the industrialists / corporates /
builders for setting up industries and housing colonies. The farmers and
agricultural labourers who are displaced due to land acquisition also

There are no secular or communal politicians in India there are only greedy
and corrupt politicians in India and ofcourse the government servants are
also as corrupt as the politicians.

People come People go. Life goes on. Amen.
Ralph D'souza

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