
Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa


The Tibet glacier is referred to as the globe's Third Pole.  The melt feeds 
the major rivers that provide China with sixty percent of the water consumed in 
the country. Three mighty river systems in India/Pakistan serve six hundred 
million for eight months of the year. That ice mass is fast receeding, and the 
Ganga is now down to  two thirds of it's original width.  I hope I do not live 
to see the day ---    Eric.

From: Samir Kelekar <samir_kele...@yahoo.com>
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 6:04:29 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Terrifying water crisis faces India; most cities to run dry



I guess we will have to squeeze the juice out of the vedanta share certificates 
to quench our thirst!



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