
Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa


An engineer's dream ... the Technical University of Berlin

The Indo-German Friendship
Society Goa (IGSG) under the
leadership of Dr. Aurobindo
Xavier is organizing the 2nd
German Cultural Week in Goa
from Dec 9 to 13, 2009 which
includes the German Alumni
Meeting and Technische
University Berlin (TU Berlin)
Alumni Meeting. This brief
article is about TU Berlin, the
internationally renowned
education center located in
Germany's capital city, in the
heart of Europe.

By Manuel Caldeira

Originally founded in 1770, in the time of King Friedrich II,
the School of Mining was integrated into the Königlich
Technische Hochschule zu Berlin (TH) in 1916. Prussian
architect and painter Karl Friedrich Schinkel and Christian
W. Beuth, the father of engineering, are some prominent
representatives of that time.

With the emerging 19th century trend to industrialisation,
the need for trained engineers was on the increase. There
were growing calls for engineers to receive more recognition
from society and from the scientific establishment.

TU Berlin is the first technical university in the German
Reich to be granted such privileges, and engineers finally
received the same formal recognition as did
classically-trained academicians.

The TU Berlin eventually became -- as the Association of
German Engineers described it in 1906 -- an intellectual
center. It turned into a much envied model and focal point of
technical progress not only for Prussia and Germany, but for
the wider Western world.

          A number of Nobel Prize winning scientists studied
          and taught at the TH Berlin well into the 1930s.
          These included the chemists Carl Bosch and Fritz
          Haber, as well as the physicists Gustav Hertz,
          Eugene Paul Wigner, Wolfgang Paul, George de
          Hevesy, Dennis Gabor and Ernst Ruska. In 2007 the
          chemist Gerhard Ertl received the Nobel Prize for

In November this year, the European Research Counsel (ERC)
approved advanced grants of 1.85 million Euros to Berlin
Mathematician Prof. Gunter Ziegler and 3.1 million Euros to
TU Berlin Researcher Oliver Paschereit.

          TU Berlin became the first technical university in
          Germany to present a humanistic element in its
          scholastic profile. The aim was to breach the gap
          between technological research and social
          responsibility. The challenge of gaining an insight
          into the interaction between society and technology
          remains an important issue even today.

Right from its inception, the TU Berlin was open to embracing
reforms and innovations. Fundamental changes within the
German university system eventually led to the student
movements of the late 1960s.

I graduated at TU Berlin in 1960s in Flugtriebwerksbau
Aircraft Engine Design/Aeronautical Engineering including
Rocket Technology subjects. It was a rare opportunity for to
be a student of German scientists of the World War II, like
Prof. Hertel for Flugkorperbau Aerodynamics, Prof. Koele for
Raumfahrtantribe Rocket Technology and Prof. Rossow for

Material Technology

It was a dream come true to study at TU Berlin, being part of
education institution using latest sate-of-art technological
facilities available anywhere in the world, including superb
library resource essential for research and development.

It was nostalgic for an Indian student to be part of fine
German cultural life from both sides of Berlin Wall,
something that was unique in Europe.

          At TU Berlin, research and teaching endeavors are
          characterized by a broad spectrum of academic
          disciplines, ranging from engineering science to
          natural science, planning science and economics, as
          well as the humanities and social sciences.

It is the only university in the entire region to offer
engineering sciences and in its role as a leading research
university also promotes cooperation between science and
industry, as amply demonstrated by the high volume of
external funding received.

A number of successfully implemented reforms have helped to
craft a new image for the TU Berlin, distinguished by its
exceptional course offerings and scientific orientation.

In addition a comprehensive quality assurance program to
monitor course content will serve to ensure the highest
possible standards for its Bachelors and Masters programs.

TU Berlin continues to be an education model of excellence,
quality, continuous improvement and vision for future for a
system that interacts between technological research and
social responsibility.

We engineers have great moral responsibility to use our
knowledge for the benefit of society. My own dream is to
implement Governance Engineering that presently I'm designing
and developing, and help to rebuild Goa like the Germans have
done to their country after the World War II.

God gave us Goans rich natural resources essential for
industrial development, that requires education with
excellence and quality. The German model is a lesson to be
learned in the drive to rebuild Goa.

Engineered governance is one model designed to pioneer a new
form of governance of every nation, every estate, every
province, every city, and every village for the 21st century.

          During the last century, applied science and
          technology shaped mankind by providing tools and
          facilities. These, on the one side, are creating
          great benefits for a select group in power, but on
          the other hand are also destroying at a galloping
          rate the species and the balance of the planet,
          including promoting climate change to bring the
          planet back to the dinosaur's age.

We need a model that aims at world peace and prosperity of
mankind even while maintaining a sustainable balance of
limited resources of our planet, by using engineering
knowledge for governance. It is an urgent task, and one which
promises to be beneficial to all stakeholders by reviewing
the existing practices of governance of every nation, every
province, every estate, every city, and every village .

You must be the change you want to see in the world, said
Mahatma Gandhi. Thank you TU Berlin, you are the birth place
of engineering and a symbol of educational excellence,
quality, vision and continuous improvement.


ABOUT THE WRITER: Manuel Caldeira born in Chandor, Goa,
gaunkari of Morombi-O-Grande, studied Civil Engineering in
Lisbon, graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at TU Berlin is
one of the first Canadian Software Quality Assurance
Engineers, worked for multinationals including in management
in Germany and North America for civil and military projects
for Information Technology (IT), telecommunication,
aeronautical and marine industry.

Photos of Manuel Caldeira recent (lamp-design) work in Goa:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgfABCIW4JA

Online link:

FACTOID: The Technical University of Berlin (Berlin Institute
of Technology, TUB, TU Berlin, German: Technische
Universität Berlin) is located in Berlin, Germany. It was
founded in 1879 and, with nearly 30,000 students, is one of
the largest technical universities in Germany. It also has
the highest proportion of foreign students out of
universities in Germany, with 20.9% in the summer semester of
2007, roughly 5,598 students. The university alumni and
professor list include eight Nobel Prize winners. (Wikipedia)

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