To Goanet -

The pathology of the Indian Marxist trying his darnedest
best to make himself relevant in Goa is not hard to 
understand.  Although the Comrade's influence in real
Goa is insignificant, that is no reason to be complacent.  
Goa is still a small enough place for any malign puss 
to ooze and poison its well.

Recall that around 3 years ago, when I first wrote publicly 
on Goanet about the horrible things ghatis were doing to 
Panjim (and to Goa), the bhailo Comrade asked me whether 
I had conducted a poll to determine if they were ghatis.  
He imagined he had scored a winning point with his riposte. 
Three years and several kicks up his sorry ass later, we 
know the truth. Goans all over the world have now SEEN 
for themselves what is happening in and to Goa with the 
unchecked deluge of ghatis from all over India. Comrade 
and his brethren would have liked nothing better than to 
keep the lid on this. Too bad for him that I materialized.

If Comrade and his likes have been a thunderous flop 
thus far, it is because of a couple of factors.

One, the Indian Marxist playbook has been busted and 
the lies propagated have been exposed.  The thing that 
terrifies the Marxist bhailo is the prospect, however remote, 
that Goan Hindus and Catholics will some day join hands 
for the common purpose of restoring Goa. Hence all the 
fetid gunk - anything that could possibly be used as a wedge 
to keep the two communities apart while masquerading as a 
champion of the rights of the less fortunate.  By which is meant 
the rights of ghatis, of course.  In their morbid imagination, we 
Goans have no rights, only responsibilities.  Ghatis have all 
the rights and muslims ghatis have first dibs on everything.

But the thing that comprehensively busts Comrade and other
outsiders of his ilk is the very Goan trait that is otherwise 
the most annoying. There have been many instances over
the years of third-rate outsiders coming in and trying to 
grandstand.  But as it usually happens, when they land here 
and meet the Goan, they find themselves thwacked on the 
face with "HANV SAANGTE RE TUKA."  For, dispensing 
xapotam is coded into the Goan DNA.

Commie scum and their kind would have loved for us 
Goans to be illiterate, eking a hand-to-mouth existence, 
pleading with the kurta-clad NGO-type sissies for a way 
out of a miserable existence.  But reality dictates otherwise, 
and their pre-imagined plot unravels.  

Instead of the mass of cringing, supplicating softies they had 
come prepared for, they find the Goan, regardless of his 
financial station, possessing of a healthy sense of self and 
with a roof over his head, at the ready to serve a dollop
or two of choice xapotam. Only in a handful of places in 
India (perhaps Kerala, Gujarat and Punjab) might you 
find anything approaching this situation.

The only way out of this logjam, then, for Commie boy
and other bhaile 'writers' who imagined themselves as
experts on Goa, is to settle for behind-the-scenes games, 
squirting puss newspaper columns, filing bogus 'reports',
and looking to latch on to some sympathetic Goan 
self-loathing loser for comfort and aid.  In this scheme, the
Goan - fortunate to not have in his midst the grinding poverty 
seen in most of India - has to be cast as the victimizer and 
the ghati as the victim. The Goan becomes the villain 
because we don't - and won't - fit the Leftie narrative 
about the "subaltern" - that hooey the Commies so love.  

Commie boy would have loved and admired Goans if we 
had no clothes on our back, no roof over our head, and knew 
how to defecate in front of our huts and on open roads.  
But alas, we Goans are burdened with relatively better 
living conditions.  So no sympathy for us.  Sympathy is 
only reserved for the noble pissing-spitting-shitting ghati.  
The only way the Goan can be loved is if we turn Goa 
into a slum with faeces and filth all around.  It follows that
those of us calling for restoring Goa are xenophobes, 
devoid of compassion etc etc.  

So there you have it, my deconstruction and hermeneutics 
(I know Leftie-speak, too, hehehehe) of the rotten, stinking 
bhailo poseur.

Warm regards,


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