From: Mario Goveia

> Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
> feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.  That can
> only come from a groundswell of political support and organization
> and a successful effort  to replace the current corrupt politicians
> with ones that are at least honest and interested in the welfare
> of Goa and not just themselves.

Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 00:55:51 -0500
From: "Bosco D" <>

Was Goa liberated in 1961 due to a "groundswell of political support and 
organization" within Goa?

Mario observes:

Once again we see why Goanet needs a voice of reason, truth and peace:-))

Here we see a prominent Goanetter confused bewtween an intransigent colonial 
dictatorship that had to be liberated by force and inserting it into a 
discussion of how to protect Goa from its own dishonest legislators by 
democratic means.

Bosco writes:

And if Arwin is doing whatever he can to create the "groundswell of political 
support and organization to replace the current corrupt politicians" why must 
you or anybody else dissuade him?

Mario observes:

Poppycock.  Laying out the obvious is not "dissuading" Arwin.  If that is the 
path he is following, then he has my support.  So far, all I have heard from 
him are pious plattitudes about saving some mythical Goan identity and evil 
migrants and developers, all launched on Goanet from the safety of the 

Bosco wrote:

You are unlikely to understand why he is so passionate about Goa just as much 
as he is unlikely to understand why you are so passionate on insisting of the 
existence of SH's WMDs.

Mario responds:

More poppycock.  The facile insinuation that SH had no WMDs just because the 
expected stockpiles were not found is pure speculation.

Unless you have some credible forensic evidence to reconcile the existence of 
SH's WMDs which he acknowledged having in the cease fire agreement of 1991, 
with the 17 UN resolutions over 12 years he was unable to comply with in spite 
of crippling economic sanctions and no-fly zones, logic and common sense says 
they are still hidden somewhere, certainly degraded by now.

Bosco wrote:

His fight, like those of many others, is for their Goa, their families and 
their future generations; not yours. So let him do his thing and you do yours!!

If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 4 messages a day to Goanet, find 
another topic or poster to respond to.

Mario responds:

Actually, what I choose to post on Goanet is none of your business.  If you 
have some rational response to offer, unlike the one seen here, you are free to 
respond.  It may help save you some embarrassment if you understood the 
exchanges before doing so.

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