Goa’s review on Migrants Needed
- By Robin Fernandes

MY GOA - one of the most beautiful state in India as perceived by every
Indian or non-Indian, is now expected to be the capital of migrants who
usually come from Bihar, UP, Karnataka, Kerala, Kashmir and almost every
part of India. Cities like Margao, Vasco and Mapuca are left with little to
feel Goa’s cultures and traditions unlike the 70’s & 80’s. The last 20 years
has filled the state with vagrant aliens and the Government has no control
whatsoever to take any sort of precautions to monitor influx of these

The leaders in the villages too are oblivious as to what and how this could
impact the livelihood of the Goan community in the near future. However, we
do share one National Anthem and have no right to racial segregation or to
settle anywhere within the confines of our nation. Nevertheless, as Goans,
we have a legitimate right and obligation to ensure a secular and clean
State, keeping the culture and the traditional fabric in mind, like any
other State. But creating slums and shanty towns everywhere in Goa is an
eyesore to the Goans as well as the tourists.

I pity every Goan who have work abroad as professional of his specialization
as well as other trades. Every Goan can contribute greatly to the State and
enhance their status, but, unfortunately corruption and other ills have
plagued our State. Paying a ransom to the Government officials to secure a
job is a nightmare to most Goans, while the professional and even unskilled
migrants labour do everything to settle down in Goa. Today, if you look at
the employment statistics at the State level, I am uncertain if 30% of Goans
are awarded with the new jobs, because the politicians earn a lumpsum
selling these opportunities to non-Goans. We elect our politicians blindly,
over and over again with no positive conclusions, no development plans or
any kind of specific strategy. At the end of their term(s) the politicians
will make a big issue of ‘polishing and cementing’ a few roads and
Or while they are around, a few festivities, under the guise of culture and
language considerations, are held to keep the Goans happy and drown them in
such glories!

Who is responsible for all this mess? ‘We all are!’ The politicians save Rs.
500 for every individual in the constituency and can easily buy votes for
the next election. Literally, we sell ourselves completely along with our
rights to these so called leaders for a meagre Rs. 100 each year at an
average in the name of democracy. The politicians need more and more
migrants for their vote banks, and in return, they provide them with ration
cards, electricity and water supply free of cost (more often) to ensure them
permanent residence in Goa along with voting rights. So now, these migrants
have been voting in two different states (their original place of birth and
residence) and also in Goa - a rare situation in which the Government of
India has no proper system for verification! Secondly the Goa Government
churns out crores of rupees to each and every migrant settled in our State
giving them these doles in the name of rural unemployment benefits,
etc.  A visit to any of the banks in Goa will give you a clear picture. Who
checks out whether these migrants are working or not? Any why should they be
compelled to work, if such 'free gifts' are given to them in the name of BPL
- Below Poverty Level schemes?

Corruption is gossiped amongst ourselves silently and we are afraid to raise
our voices against these malpractices. The Government offices have looted
the people of Goa through bribery, from the Municipality office right down
to the Panchayat level. Every government employee is enjoying a minimum of
Rs. 10,000 salary whereas bribes produce 5 times more than the actual
earnings even the lower level. One can only imagine the earnings at the
higher level who make their fortunes.
Who is responsible for this?
‘We all are!” These are not just assumptions but the actual facts and we all
pretend like nothing has happened and this silent ignorant attitude of ours
allows these hypocratic leaders to ruin the State with no mercy in the name
of the Goans.

There are several factors that we all need to analyse and be vigilant of,
inorder to protect the interest of our State before it turns out to be the
another capital of Bihar, Karnataka or Maharastra as we would neither be in
the position to stop nor control these migrants.

Many tourists from all over India who visits Goa have tarnished our
reputation as they perceive us as “susegad and drunkards” with no concern
with what’s going on around us. ‘MAKA KITEAK PODLAM’ TANCHEM MARUN ZOK -
isn’t that what we say very often? Even Bollywood portrays the Goan as being
nothing but lazy and always on the high! Is that what we are?

Having a passport is all that is dreamt of, by most of the younger
generation in Goa with only one dream - to work abroad or migrate to Europe!
They fail to see the hidden wealth in our own land. The United States is the
latest trend for easy money, even our qualified youth compelled to leave for
low grade jobs.‘WHY NOT?’ says Laloo Prasad ‘HAMRA EXPRESS SE HAMRA GOA
CHALO'. A train carries a minimum of 800 passengers a day which makes around
24,000 passengers a month all the way from Bihar. The Konkan Railways
transport approximately 35 million passengers every year! So you can just
imagine how many of them must have settled down in Goa. HUH!?!

The Government of Goa has implemented family planning 25 years back and
foolishly produce ‘HUM DO HUMARA DO’! What a tragedy? Approximately 50-60%
of the population of Goa is middle class as per the latest statistics and if
we follow the Government implied practice on family planning we will end
with only 30% as Goan population and the balance 70% will comprise the

Advise for all Goans. Have as many children as possible in order to protect
our Beautiful Goa. Give priority to Education and practice your own
profession.  Make use of your own capacity and create Jobs for fellow Goans.
Elect leaders and not feeders and understand your rights.
Say “No” to bribery to Government employees and expose these culprits.
Wake up, Goans! It's time! Let’s work together and take a stand to make Our
Goa a land of advancement and tranquility.

Robin Fernandes
Betalbatim, Salcette, Goa/Kuwait
Mob. 00965-99704157
Email ID - robin.fernan...@jotundxb.ae <robin.fernandes%40jotundxb.ae>



Posted by Goa-World.COM

Interesting blog

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Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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