We Are Ill-equipped For Terror


I remember the first time that I heard of terrorism, I was in the 7th standard,
it was raining as usual in September and I was eagerly waiting for any news,
that I could get, on the ongoing Munich Olympic games in 1972, it was the 6th
September to be precise, that we got the news of the previous days happenings,
which was celebrated as teachers day in Schools in Goa. The exact news was
"terror" at the Olympics, guerrillas attached Israeli athletes, it was latter
know as the black September, at that age I did not know what was meant by
"guerrillas" I thought they were our human ancestors, who somehow entered the
Olympic village from the near by forest! My English teacher was very much amused
at my ignorance and then went on to explain the headline news from the local
news paper. 


Post 9/11, the word terror has become the most used word in any media and at
meetings today, so much so that any child by the age of five or six will
instinctively react, even  if he or she does not the meaning of it. The terror
attack on 9/11 has changed the world, for the better or for the worse, is
debatable, but one lesson has been learnt and no one is taking any chances,
every country is mending and tightening it's fences, to protect it's people,
security services and agencies are well equipped and on their toes all the time.


While the whole world is ready to react at the slightest shift in ambience, I
was shocked to read the report on the Mumbai terror attack of 26/11, the report
states "that the war-like situation was beyond the capabilities of not just the
Mumbai police but any police set-up in the country". What confidence does this
statement give us, the citizens of free India ? How can the police, the very
nerve cell of the civil services, that's suppose to initially encounter every
possible attack on the common man be ill equipped ? Is the police suppose to sit
back and do nothing, till the "Black Cat Commandos" or the army arrives ? In the
case of the Mumbai attack, it took the elite force more than 24 hours, so till
such time, as the forces arrive the attackers can have a ball with the common
man ? Is this what national security is all about ? How can we ever digest such
a contentious report ? 


Since the police will always be the first security service to encounter any
terror activity, it is mandatory that they retain first-response capability and
ability to protect and defend the citizens, till such time that the special
forces arrive and take charge of the situation.


There are other details in the report that are baffling as well but this one
takes the cake any given day. We do need to lay our emphasis on this one as a
priority, we do need to modernize our police force, the percentage of population
to the security services must be retained at all cost, refurbishment of our
police force with the latest security equipment and training facilities, doing
away with the abysmal ones used at present, is a must. Better communication mode
and facilities has to be established. This is the need of the hour. 


Since 1972, Israel have been on their toes in protecting their citizens, and
when ever there is an attach, they react speedily with deadly action, America on
the other hand has not seen any attack on it's soil since 9/11 and we in India
even after 26/11, a year later, are still ill-equipped, just how silly and
foolish can that be ? 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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