Mario wrote:

How do you like this can of worms?  Major conflicts of interest stain the 
science and the scientists and the politicians behind the efforts to control 
global warming. etc etc....

Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 12:46:01 +0000
From: Carmen Miranda <>

I wonder which oil company is paying Mario Goveia to deny climate change
and come up with imaginary cans of worms....

Mario responds:

Should anyone engage in such bluster without a single fact at their disposal?  
Isn't this precisely why Goanet needs my lone voice of reason, truth and shanti?

I refuse to accuse her of being on Rajendra Pachauri's payroll like she is 
scurrilously accusing me of being paid off by some oil companies, but I am left 
to wonder why Carmen is so strenuously denying Pachauri's unethical conflicts 
of interest that have now been exposed in a major London newspaper, the same 
town where she lives:

Shouldn't Carmen be attacking her local newapaper, the Telegraph, for exposing 
Pachauri's unethical conflicts of interest if she has some special information 
that the new report is false? 

Living in London surely Carmen knows that Pachauri's co-conspirator on the 
environment, Al Gore's phony film, The Inconvenient Truth, inconveniently 
requires a British High Court imposed warning to school kids in Britain before 
it can be shown to them so that they know it is as whimsical as a Mickey Mouse 
movie.  Birds of a feather and all that:

Carmen wrote:

He must be also living in another on Earth, we unfortunately 
are already suffering the effects of climate change caused by global warming. 
Given Mario's planet is actually cooling....he must be somewhere else in the 
solar system....and I hope he stays there!

Mario responds:

The last time I checked, I was living on a planet called America, where we 
don't much like elites who believe in a one-world government headquartered at 
the UN where so many of the members are dictators.  The most popular speakers 
at the recent tamasha in Copenhagen were the brilliant economic leaders Robert 
Mugabe and Hugo Chavez.  If that doesn't tell you something about that event 
nothing else will.

The funniest part of their speeches was when they thrashed capitalism as a 
failed system, then turned around and demanded that the capitalists pay THEM 
billions of dollars to clean up their environments:-))

But, how can someone who lives in London be a decade out of date on such 
important information as the trend in average global temperature?

Apparently the latest news hasn't filtered up to the environmental elite in 
London even as they tell the rest of us peasants that they know what's good for 
everyone else better than we do.  Perhaps this is why the British P.M. and 
Prince of Wales seem so wilfully uninformed about what is going on in the 
environment.  I have bad news for all of them:

Not knowing what's going on on planet Earth, how would we expect them to know 
that Pluto and Mars are also warming without a single human, or even an evil 
American, anywhere to be found:-))

Here is an interesting report on the EXPENSIVE - at taxpayer's expense - and 
ENVIRONMENTALLY DAMAGING tamasha that went on in Copemhagen last week:

WARNING: The author, Tim Ball, Ph.D. is a skeptic when it comes to blaming puny 
humans for climate changes.  Chelas of Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri may be 
traumatised by his observations and opinions.


World leaders participated in a scandalous conference in Copenhagen. Officially 
it was Conference of the Parties (COP) 15 to monitor progress on climate change 
begun in 1995 at COP 1 in Berlin. They’ve consistently and blindly accepted the 
false claim human CO2 is causing climate change. COP 3 produced the Kyoto 
Accord to punish developed nations and redistribute wealth. It’s due to expire 
in 2012 and COP 15 was to keep the process going. Few supported it more than 
Obama so he had to salvage the process. 

Don’t Confuse Me With Facts
World leaders pursued policies while refusing to understand the issue. They 
ignored all evidence, silenced any debate, and disdained polls showing an 
increasing majority rejected the science. Finally, they ignored proof the 
science was deliberately and criminally falsified. 

[end of excerpt]

I would ask Carmen and anyone else to address their responses to the sources of 
information mentioned in the links above because I have nothing to add to 
anyone who doesn't know what has been going on in this area.

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