MONDAY MUSE (28 December 2009)


‘Kyosei’ is a union of two Japanese words: ‘kyo’ means together and ‘sei’ means 
to live. The term was first used in academic biology to refer to symbiosis. 
However, the concept of ‘kyosei’ is also increasingly used in the social 
context as ‘living and working together for the common good’. 

In an increasingly competitive, highly individualistic world, so many of us 
work only for our personal good. Yet we complain about the negative impact of 
self-centered attitudes and actions by other persons like us. The kyosei 
philosophy is based on the fundamental belief that only a harmonious 
coexistence with nature and the environment can help society achieve 
sustainable development. 

The core tenets of kyosei are universal principles of common sense and morality 
This include the tenet of reciprocity and the golden rule of treating others as 
you would like to be treated. It also implies an understanding of our primary 
interconnectedness and the fact that our actions have an impact both in local 
(visible) and far-reaching (invisible) ways.

It is about valuing the “middle path”... like practicing moderation in personal 
habits and the need to find a healthy balance between self-interest and 
altruism. It involves the crucial preference for simplicity. After all it is 
the elegance of simplicity that will be better at connecting us into harmony 
with others and the planet. 

To deserve quality of life, we have to look beyond 
Let’s BE BETTER at being part of the kyosei bond!

 - Pravin K. Sabnis 



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