---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: VHA GOA <vha...@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/12/28
Subject: re: [Goanet-News] Dec 28, 2009 Goanetters' meeting

Dear Sir, On behalf of VHAG, I will be attending the meet on 28th with
copies of the health care and rights of patients booklet in Roman
konkani. I will also give you a copy of the book for review as
following is a write up of the book :

For the majority of us, a doctor is virtually God- one who is beyond
questions or doubts and has solutions to all our ills. But while
understanding the pressures of the medical profession, as patients we
are often at the mercy of our doctors time, diagnosis and treatment.
Few among us are aware that just as the doctor has certain duties
toward his patient, a patient too has certain rights to health care.
This book is an attempt to put together the rights of patients,
embadded under various laws.It raises several concerns - regarding
choice and access to health care services, correct and timely
diagonosis, information about illnesses, preventive measures,
personalized tretment, right to complain and other issues. A must-
read for everyone, especially patients and their families, health
professionals, NGO's, care providers and health workers.

Thanking you,
Project Manager

Frederick Noronha
Landline :: +91-832-2409490
Mobile :: +91-9822122436

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