Bab Clinton,

Thanks for doing a great job for the wild animals this Christmas.

Obviously your attempts last Christmas did pay off and none of our Goan
villages have put any animals in their crib displays this Christmas. So keep
up the good work. Alas the only wild life we see nowadays in Goa are these
very displays like the python that was put on display last year in the crib
in Cansaulim. The fact is that leave alone snakes, it is difficult to come
across any frogs left in Goa, as the only jungles flourishing here are the
concrete jungles that are sprouting and expanding at a rapid pace.

Now that you do not have to save any wild animals on display this Christmas,
how about then putting up a hotline number for protecting the Goan
environment and our flora and fauna so that our wild animals and Goans can
live together in peace and harmony as they have always done over the
centuries for generations?

Now isn't that a difficult one Bab Clinton, as we have some even more
dangerous species as you are well aware of - many serpents of the human
variety, as well as wolves in sheep's clothing in Goa starting with our
corrupt, vile and dangerous politicans and their coterie of hyenas and
vultures be it in the TCP, Panchayats, Police, and even your Forest
Department; and the so called mining magnates, developers and builders who
are ready to destroy our Goan villages, forests, hills, coastal areas,
lakes, ponds, fields, khazan lands, orchard lands, wells - all for the sole
purpose of quenching their insatiable greed. These are the most dangerous
species that we have to deal with and really need to be exposed, dug out
from their lairs and infamous dens and then either caged, erradicated or put
away so that they do not cause any further harm.

If we allow our environment to be destroyed then there will be no place left
for our wild animals nor our Goans in Goa. Soon our wild animals and Goans
will be extinct species in Goa. There will be no more wild animals for you
to protect.

Ready to expand the scope of your work Bab Clinton so that we can in turn
save the habitat for our wild animals or do we just try and protect the very
rare python that we see in a Christmas crib and in turn put it in a cage in
a zoo or hand it over to teh Forest Department to release it in our fast
disappearing wildlife reserves?

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Clinton Vaz <> wrote:

> Compliments of the Season!
> The past few years, we have been monitoring the cribs mostly in Salcete.
> Wild animals on display, are cruel and illegal, and we have in the past got
> the animals confiscated and raided with the help of the forest department.
> Last year, a crib at Cansaulim had a python on display, and thanks to
> JoeGoaUk, we managed to get evidence and submit it to the forest
> department.
> The snake was soon confiscated by the Margao wing of the forest department.
> This year, we haven't had a single case of animals in cribs. This is a
> welcome change! :) Joebab and others, if you see such cribs, please do
> contact me (phone or sms)  and i'll see that the forest dept swings into
> action!
> Clinton..
> +91 9890936828

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