Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 00:04:03 -0500
From: "Averthan" <>

Keeping aside the legal conundrum for the jurists to unravel, it is important 
that we consider the ethical and social implications of the claim that women 
have a right to arbitrarily terminate their pregnancies, and that, therefore, 
the State has a duty to provide them with all the facilities required for this 

Mario observes:

Is there a legal conundrum in this case given the assurances of sovereignty in 
the treaties forming the EU?

Averthan wrote:

The vast majority of medical opinion holds that a human embryo or foetus is a 
distinct human person. This should be obvious to anyone with common sense.

Mario observes:

This obviously excludes the three Irish women, who have probably convinced 
themselves of the extreme feminist position that the foetus is an unviable 
tissue mass, even though we now know it already has the DNA of a human being.

These women have taken this to another level.  Even though they have the option 
of having an abortion in Britain, they are demanding that all the citizens of 
Ireland, regardless of their own closely held beliefs in favor of life, 
subsidize the desire of the few to abort their foetuses.

Averthan wrote:

Without getting involved in any technical debates, it is obvious 
that an unborn baby is a human person with rights and privileges like any other 
human person. 

Mario observes:

I hope you are not oblivious to the fact that there are many men and women who 
do not think this is so obvious.

Averthan wrote:

The inexorable logic of permitting murder is that that society is doomed 
to become a society which condones, and even actively promotes, the murder of 
the elderly, who are considered to be a drag on society, of the physically 
disabled, the mentally challenged and the economically disprivileged.

Mario responds:

This is already happening in subtle ways especially in countries that have 
health care systems run by socialist bureaucrats.

Averthan writes:

The problem starts with the basic disrespect for human life. Humankind has not 
yet learned that all life is sacred, specially human life, which represents the 
pinnacle of evolution.

Mario responds:

There is a win-win option for women who find themselves with an unwanted 
pregnancy for whatever reason - the choice of adoption by the numerous couples 
who are unable to conceive.  This option strangely gets lost in the shuffle in 
the emotional debate over abortion rights.

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