Mr. Goveia,
Tsk! Tsk! 
So unfortunate that your Christmas spirit keeps intruding on the innate 
impulse to bat and brick attacks.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Mario Goveia <> wrote:

Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Mon Dec 28 09:43:06 PST 2009

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.

Mario observes:

1. Active Goanetter?  With ONE measley post in December - THIS ONE?!  What the 
bleep is THAT?

2. Are you threatening to really attend this soiree next year or are you just 
blowing smoke?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you?  Or write a book together.  Send some flowers through 
Cecil to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy.  Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already?  Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?


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