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Happy New Year Twenty-Ten --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > No worries MD. To "accuse" with valid reason, in the context in which > Maddow presented is an impossibility, other than if someone was to > mistakenly attempt a tone analysis of her voice, or seek the "vociferous" in > her delivery, or "glint/gleam" in her eyes, body angle, or something of that > sort. But strange things happen in phenomenology. > Thanks for the warning. Hopefully, you did not intend it as a bait, and hopefully it will be not be seen as such by anyone. It is what it is, including what I said about "rips Cheney a new hole" --- perhaps not the best of metaphors. venantius Message: 5 Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 22:41:03 -0500 From: MD <mmdme...@gmail.com> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org Subject: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole Rachel Maddow says: Now, as is often the case in politics, when attacks from one side go unanswered for a long time, when one side gets the platform all to themselves, that side can sometimes get over-exuberant. They can overplay their hand. Quite true. Expect counter responses, accusations etc. Mr. Pinto. MD.