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                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


 Santosh Helekar:
 The title of the Times of India news story and in its text thoroughly
misleads readers in this regard. The excerpts in the post appended below
does worse.India figures high only when you count the 25 most populous
countries because of its very high social hostilities index and its

The Times of India report got the essence and gist of the Pew Report dead
on. The Pew Report is all about global restrictions on religions covering
198 countries. It studies government restrictions on religions (GRR) and
social hostility involving religion (SHR) and measures them on a scale of
1-10. India scores 5.1 in the GR Index and a high 8.8 on the SH Index. The
Telegraph too carries a similar report. Refer link

Santosh Helekar:
India figures very high only in the social hostilities index, which is
obvious because this index is skewed by hundreds of deaths due to war,
military action, and religious extremist, left-wing extremist and terrorist
violence in places like the Northeast and Kashmir, as indicated in the Pew

Nowhere does the Pew Report suggest or even indicate that so far as India is
concerned that India ranks high in the Social Hostility Index due to deaths
caused by war, military action, left wing extremism or terrorist violence as
the poster would like to mislead us into believing. It is the posters own
interpretation and conclusion to divert our attention from the core issue
viz.  persecution of religious minorities. Refer pages 45 to 48 which
details some of the incidents. Incidentally, out of the 7 states covered, 5
are/were BJP ruled staes and 2 are Congress ruled. This itself tells its own

Here are some excerpts from the report pertaining to India vis-a-vis other

1. Among all regions, the Middle East-North Africa has the highest
government and social restrictions on religion, while the Americas are the
least restrictive region on both measures. Among the world’s 25 most
populous countries, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and India stand out as
having the most restrictions when both measures are taken into account,
while Brazil, Japan, the United States, Italy, South Africa and the United
Kingdom have the least. (pgs 2 & 3)

2. Under the GRR, India scores among the top 20% with a score of 5.1 . Under
the SHR, India scores an extremely high of 8.8  to be counted among the top
5%. Other countries in this categoy in order of ranking are Iraq,
Lanka,Sudan,Saudi Arabia. (pgs 22, 25 &28)

The Pew Forum’s Social Hostilities Index is a measure of concrete, hostile
actions that effectively hinder the religious activities of the targeted
individuals or groups.

3. As the chart on page 28 shows, nearly all of the 50 most populous
countries that are high on both measures of restrictions are in Asia or the
Middle East-North Africa region. Many of the restrictions in these countries
are driven by groups pressing for the enshrinement of their interpretation
of the majority faith, including through Shariah law in Muslim societies and
through the Hindutva movement in India, which seeks to define India as a
Hindu nation. (Additional examples of restrictions on religion in India can
be found on page 45 of the Methodology.)

4. The list of countries with very high levels of social hostilities differs
considerably from the list of those with the most restrictive governments.
Only one country, Saudi Arabia, appears on both lists.Several others that
are very high in social hostilities also score in the high range on
government restrictions; these include India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Somalia and Israel.(page 19).

The report is a blessing in disguise for all of us Indians. We have the
choice of using it as a wake up call to rectify the situation or bury it and
pretend that all is well and hunky dory. It is upto each one of us to make
the choice.



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