                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


> My 
>citizenship is irrelevant and the questions raised about Rebello 

More important than legal, you have no moral right because
you have discarded the most basic and fundamental privilege
that a country can ever confer on one, namely its citizenship.
It is a shame that it was done
in preference to green bucks. This also shows your (lack of)
commitment to India;
push comes to shove you are going to vamoosh to America.

All Indians know this how much ever you shout from the rooftops.

If indeed you are committed to Goa, you have one option to
redeem yourself.
Discard this OCI bullshit, and get back your Indian citizenship.
That way you will be not just hailed as a hero, but it will
also show to one and all your commitment to Goa and India.

All other stuff is baloney.


>would remain valid even if they were asked by a Martian.

Goa is my birthplace and my homeland.  Not only do I have 
these rights by birth and by virtue of my work in Goa, as a 
holder of Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI), I have every 
legal right as well. I have every intention of continuing
>with my activism in Goa in a manner of my choice.


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