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Yusuf Sheik calls Dr Austin as the "King of Konkani poets"

Goa, Jan 7: Konkani Poetry book "VOZRAM" - a Devanagiri version of a
3500 collection of poems of Dr. Austin DSouza Prabhu, Chicago was
inaugurated on 6th Jan 2010 at 5pm at Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendr,
Porvorim Goa. The book is transliterated by Ancy DSouza Paladka and
published by Priya Prakashana Mumbai.

Former speaker of Goa Assembly and the present Tiatr Akademy President
Tomazhino Cardoza inaugurated the book. Former Director of Shri Lanka
Radio and the veteran poet Yusuf Sheik was the chief guest. Fr. Pratap
Naik presided over the function. Mrs Terry was also present at the

"Konkani poets, writers, artists are like a rose that rises and blooms
amidst of all thorns that surrounding it. During this time of internet
we all Konkani people need to get united breaking all barriers." said
Dr. Austin DSouza during this occasion.

"Diversity is the streangth of Konkani. This need to be preserved and
promoted. This encourages people of diffent sects, different culture,
different religions, different scripts to work for the cause of
Konkani." He also congratulated the author Austin for writing 3500
short poems in just three years. He also said that "Manohar Sar Desai
and R V Pandit are the two stalwat Konkani poets. The poems they have
written are short poems. Jess Fernandes wrote 30 books in Roman script
and the last two in Devanagari. But he is awarded with Sahitya Akademy
award only after he published book in Devnagari script. Is the Sahitya
akademy award given for the script or for the literary content ?" he

Taking the same string Fr. Pratap Naik said that "Always Konkani
language is important and not the script. Script is only a dress for
the language. All Konkani speaking people need to identify themselves
as Konkani people. Also Konkani's need to respect konkani speaking
people as our people. Great works are always done by a single persons.
Every Konkani person need to give his contribution to make Konkani

"The book with 3500 poems is the rain of 3500 pearls in the whole
Konkani world." said veteran Konkani poet Yusuf Sheik. He also called
as "King of Konkani Poets". He also critisised the method of awards
given to the script and not the language. He expressed his
dissappointment because Konkani Salwats Litterauts of Kannada script
like V J P Saldanha, Jo Sa Alvares are not given the Sahitya Akademy
Award. He also said that "Nowhere the poetry collection of 3,500 poems
are published. This is a great work and need to be recorded in Gunness
Book of Records and Limca records."

The programme started with the introduction by Ancy Paladka. Smita
Tamba, Madgaon introduced the poet. Yusuf Sheik honoured Dr. Austin
DSouza Prabhu with the Shawl and a Momento. The programme was compered
by Ancy.

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