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                       Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Those who choose to scorn other people's difficulties are slated to perish a day not too soon.

I have said it before and I shall say it again
Somebody is bound to do a 'Sadam' or a 'Stalin' of the traitor that mocks Goemkars and Goemkarponn in the heart of the city Panjim and consign his treachery to dust. It will serve as a lesson to future traitors in the making.

On this note I like to reproduce this conversation which transpired in the very den of one of Goa's famous politician of yester years.

Fl: Tell me (Mr.X) how many years do you  have to live?
X: My age?
FL: No. I want to know how many years you have before you die.
X: [Unsettled] I don't understand.
FL: A statue of Goa's most notorious traitor stands in full view and you yourself have garlanded it on many occasions. What I wanted to know is, when you die will anyone think of installing your statue, much less garland it? That is why I wanted to know how many year you think you have still got to do something memorable for Goa if you are to be remembered by posterity.
X: No answer.


PS: Just curious to know how many netters remember who Mr. X is.
PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour..................What's Zat??? .......... down with the traitors?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Freddy Fernandes" <ffernandes....@emaar.ae>
To: <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Sashikala Kakodkar

In response to:

This is a fact that I witnessed as a young lad during the last election campaign of her majesty Shashikala Kakodkar, before MGP were ground into the dust, where
they rightly deserved to be, became monkeys of their own making !

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