Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary, Goa Su-Raj Party
Phone: (Res) 2470223 (M) 9890470896


It is generally observed that the Panchayat bodies ( Panches and the
Sarpanch) are at loggerheads with the Gram Sabha members and most Gram Sabha
meetings end up in a fiasco. The ideal situation would be that the Panchayat
bodies which are elected by the Gram Sabha members  conduct themselves in
accordance with  the wishes of the Gram Sabhas ( Resolutions Passed). But
very seldom this is the case. Most often than not, the resolutions passed by
Gram Sabhas are fit for the waste paper basket.

In Goa we have 189 or so  Panchayats. Do we have a single Panchayat whose
Sarpanch does not entertain any illegalities and if so, has s/he  survived
for more than 3 months in the chair  without being knocked off through
no-confidence motion? And those Panchayat which are stable without a whisper
of opposition within,  are most detrimental for the overall well being of
the concerned villages because opposition [constructive criticism] is the
essence of good governance.


Panchayat elections are very very important elections, contrary to what is
believed. In  the 73rd. Amendment to the Constitution of India, there are
approximately 28 items for transfer of powers from the State Government to
the Panchayats relating to the governance and/or the development of the
Panchayat held areas. So far only a handful few (just 2 or 3) of those items
are transferred to the Panchayats by the State Government mainly because of
two reasons:- (1) The State Government does not want to relinquish its
powers believing that its Ministers or the MLAs will be powerless, and, (2)
The Panchayats are not capable enough to hold such powers. Furthermore, the
implementation of the 73rd. Amendment  as of now, with the Panchayat Raj Act
remaining as it is, will see more full-fledged corruption at the Panchayat
level. If at all the government is serious in implementing the 73rd.
Amendment in Goa, the Panchayat Raj Act must be amended to hold the Sarpanch
and the Secretary accountable, fully and completely.

[A good look as to what would happen if the 73rd. Amendment was implemented
as of today with the existing Panchayat Raj Act. All 28  powers would be
transferred to the Panchayats. The Panchayats which are already corrupted,
would have a field day,  with the legislators (read MLAs and Cabinet
Ministers) losing their punch at percentages. With no money to be made at
the Assembly level, there would be a rush to get into the Panchayats at the
next elections. Eventually who would contest Assembly Elections  would be
persons who do not want to be in the rat-race. This breed being the
legislators and Cabinet Ministers who do not enjoy the warmth of the money
pot and who cannot make money by virtue of money not being there, would sit
down and frame stricter laws, rules and regulations, so that no money could
be made at the Panchayat  level either,  a veritable 'Dog in the Manger'
situation where the sentiment on display would be:  'if we cannot make
money, you too shall not make it' [there being a rare chance that
legislators and Panchayat members working together to loot the exchequer].
If money is not there to be made at Panchayat level also, no one would be
interested in occupying these posts and we would be back to square one {
where in the early days of Panchayats, people had to be coaxed and cajoled
to contest Panchayat elections}. The rats would rather look at other ways of
sustaining themselves,  invariably by shedding the  sweat of their brows. In
this situation the winners would be the tax-paying  people]

Having said that, today, as against a couple of decades ago, Panchayat posts
are looked upon as money-spinners and as such every Tom Dick and Harry wants
to contest these elections. Besides, these posts have stopped being honorary
post.  Gone are the days when the people of the village had to literally
drag knowledgeable persons to become Sarpanches. This is because the
Panchayat hierarchy has been reduced to a bundle of corruption where any and
all development plans in the villages are considered on 'percentage' basis.
When such percentages are distributed amongst the members of the hierarchy,
there is not much left to go into such development projects and these are
naturally reduced to mere shams, scams and white elephants, sucking in the
tax-payer's hard earned money. This, in fact, is the way of life in the
presently held Panchayat Raj system in this State, where people who would
want to go through the lawful formalities  are advised not to do so by the
Panchayat members citing (imaginary) inadvertent official delays due to
'red-tape'ism and laborious procedures. This, in fact, puts the innocent
people into a pot of trouble having taken this ill-advice at face value and
subsequently become the milching cows  for the Panchayat members to extort
money from them because they are trapped into illegalities. Also, the
political masters are using the Panchayats for their own end  by restricting
the free decision making process. Ideally, self governing institutions such
as Panchayats and Municipalities must remain apolitical and must keep all
party politics at a clear distance.  This must be the primary resolve of
ordinary citizens like us if Panchayats and Municipalities are to function
to the satisfaction of the tax-paying citizenry.

It must be realized that a WARD in a Village is the nucleus, if the nation
is to become strong and powerful. Simply put, if a WARD is strong (well
maintained, sanitized, greened and meticulously planned) , the Village
becomes strong in all respects. If the Village is strong, the Constituency
becomes strong. If the Constituency is strong, the State becomes strong. And
needless to say that if the State is strong, the Nation becomes strong.
Therefore, it is vital to put every and all efforts into making a 'ward' of
a village strong and well planned. When we say 'strong', it means strong
morally, ethically, economically, aesthetically etc. Therefore the type and
extent of development projects planned for a ward in a village becomes ever
so important. The institution, which has replaced the age-old indigenous
institutions of Goa , originally known as GAOKARIES, later called
COUNIDADES , which doubled-up as the caretakers of a wards in a village, is
now the Panchayat. Sadly, the Pancayats have become the epicenters  of
political upheavals most detrimental to the very survival of these
indigenous institutions (the Comunidades). Therefore, it is time to put
pointed focus on these vital self-governing institutions (Panchayats) and
wean them back to health by snatching them from the clutches of the
political masters who are hell bent in squeezing them to the utmost extent
for their own vested interests and aggrandizement through playing vote-bank

In an effort to start a revolution of sorts, vital to the very existence of
the Panchayat Raj System, we the citizens of GOA must come forward to do
something about it, rather than leave it to the wolves, as it were.
Therefore,  we the people of each ward of GOA must look at these coming
Panchayat general elections (2011??)  with highest of concern and take the
opportunity to do ourselves more good than harm, keeping in mind that it is
we, as custodians of our children, who will be responsible to hand-down to
them a life which is secure , healthy and enjoyable, for them to grow  into
adulthood and prosper. We must admit that we cannot be experts in anything
and everything. But we must remain concerned citizens who want to be guided
by the very many experts amongst us so that we all may benefit in the long
run. We must look at these experienced persons as our very own extensions so
that we may do things for ourselves through their sane advices. Needless to
say that this experience will be most gratifying to us, more than it would
be for the advisers. Therefore, let us all hold hands with confidence and
move forward to make these Panchayat Institutions of GOA, the institutions
of GOODWILL and real touchable PROGRESS.

The most central to the Panchayati Raj Act is the Gram Sabha. If there has
to be a participatory ingredient in any planning, the Gram Sabha is the
nucleus. But unfortunately what we see is that hardly any of Goa's Panchayat
bodies inspire confidence in the Gram Sabha members and Gram Sabhas are seen
as disruptive, non-productive and unnecessary. The root cause of this is
that we elect individual persons to the Panchayat with individual notion of
governance. Unfortunately, the Panchayat members have good reason to
discredit the Gram Sabha members the day they get elected to office, their
job having been done to vote,  so that they can do things selectively, on
their own. If this is not to happen, we must elect a Gram Sabha savvy
Panchayat. And this can be done only if the Panchayat elections are actively
fought by the Gram Sabha members  on a PANEL BASIS, where the Gram Sabha
members select and short list persons from every ward who would constitute
the panel. The final candidates can be selected by the Gram Sabha forum in a
public debate. A fool proof procedure to this effect can be designed where
there is no scope for bad blood and cross working by those who are not
selected ultimately as candidates and who wanted to be in the race, simply
said, no hurt feelings through a purely democratic process.

A Panel floated by the Gram Sabha forum will afford the entire village to
campaign for the panel on door-to-door basis, the panel being  bound by the
MANIFESTO prepared by the Gram Sabha forum. In addition to generating
collective interest and incentives, the added appeal will be that all panel
members can contest on one common election symbol. So far just one Panchayat
has been able to execute this 'panel' contest and be successful and that is
the Taleigao Panchayat. However, the difference is that this is not the Gram
Sabha floated panel, but a panel having allegiance to  vested interests.


The panel contestants agree with each other that governance of the village
shall be on consensus basis and through dialogue and co-ordination with the
Gram Sabha.
Panel members not to indulge in  'NO CONFIDENCE MOTIONS'  throughout the
term of office of the elected body of the Panchayat.
The post of the Sarpanch to be rotated  every two years through the internal
elections. The third term to be a term for one year or till the Panchayat
body remains in office.
The post of the Deputy Sarpanch to  be in rotation, like-wise.
All members of the panel who shall be elected to the office shall
mandatorily attend GRAM SABHAS.
If  the Panel  fails to get clear majority, the elected panel members shall
join other non-panel supported members to form a coalition ruling body only
to the extent of the required numbers falling short for the formation of the
coalition. The other members of the panel to work as effective opposition.
In case the panel elected members fall short of only one member  to form the
ruling coalition, the borrowed  member may be given the post of Deputy
Sarpanch  at the most,   but not the post of the Sarpanch.
The panel  not to entertain  political interference in the running of the
Panchayat.  The members of the panel could be affiliated to a certain
political party or parties. But  the working of the Panchayat to be strictly
on  non-party politics  basis (i.e. discourage cultivation of vote-banks).
All infrastructural development works in the village to be carried out on
priority basis.
All developmental works to be carried out in the village and which are
pending,  to be listed and submitted to the authorities for estimation
purposes.  These estimates to reflect in the budget prepared for the village
each year even if it is reflected as a deficit budget.  The deficit budget
will reflect the true measure of infrastructural development works pending
and accordingly requests for additional funding from the government may be
put forward.
Apart from the stipulated fortnightly Panchayat body meetings (in force
presently),  the Panchayat body to meet every week, preferably on SATURDAYs
, to co-ordinate with each member on the matter of development of the
village and/or to pass any requests for NOCs, permissions etc so that the
developmental works in the village is not held up or delayed because of the
scheduled fortnightly meetings. Minor works and other matters which does not
require consensus of the Panchayat body to be dealt with on daily basis by
the Panchayat staff.
All administrative matters of the Panchayat to be dispensed with within the
stipulated time frame or earlier.
All works, NOCs, Permissions, Licenses, Occupancy certificates etc to be
dispensed with in time bound manner and without any harassment or without
asking for donations (which is the alternate term for bribes)
Any and all illegal activities in the respective wards to be strictly dealt
with and the respective ward member to be held responsible for such
The Gram Sabha members to be kept fully informed about the Government
Schemes  on offer and every step to be taken to get these schemes sanctioned
to deserving persons without let, hindrance or bias.
The panel  to be actively involved  to make the village garbage and plastic
free through the initiation of door-to-door garbage and plastic collection.
People's voluntary participation in this area to be encouraged to discourage
discarding of wastes in public places like road-sides  etc. All garbage bins
placed in the village to be removed, as there shall be no need for such bins
to be ravaged by stray animals. The Panchayat to promote a garbage treatment
and recycling plant for the village with respect to the  wet and dry
Panchayat to encourage organic vegetable farming and work towards the
formation of the village co-operatives for farm produce such as home grown
vegetables etc.
The maintenance of the village roads, water supply, electrical supply,
communication system (telephones) and other essential services to be the
prime concern of the Panchayat including effective street lighting.
Law and order to be ensured through the effective co-ordination of the
Panchayat and the Police authorities.
The resolutions passed by the Gram Sabha to be executed in letter and
All building projects in the village which are multi-unit projects shall be
placed for the scrutiny of the Gram Sabha before being forwarded to the
Authorities for approvals. If necessay a special Gram Sabha may be called
for this purpose depending on the urgency.
Hill cutting, filling of agricultural fields and large scale tree cutting to
invite immediate action by the Panchayat.
Special attention to be given to Noise, air, water and land pollution,
breeding of mosquitoes vide septic tanks and other ill effects that bother
the village people, including the menace of stray animals  and clearance of
carcasses of dead animals from public places.

These few points could be the 'FOCUSED VISION' by which the Panchayats of
GOA may work to the absolute satisfaction of all its citizens, without

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