Bal Thackeray opposes Manmohan on voting rights for NRIs: Mumbai: Shiv
Sena chief Bal Thackeray has criticised Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh's statement that the government was working towards granting
voting rights to NRIs by the time of the next general elections. "The
Prime Minister should tread cautiously. Just because NRIs have loads
of money doesn't justify their getting voting rights," Thackeray said
in an editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana'. "India does not expect
money from its sons who have settled abroad. It expects that they come
and stay here for a while and guide locals and contribute to
development by sparing their knowledge, time and experience. This is
more important than voting rights," the Sena chief said.

The Pollution Map developed at the Centre for Development Finance
(CDF) endeavours to support more meaningful tracking of environmental
change by creating a repository on pollution monitoring to capture and
disseminate data to civil society in a systematic and user-friendly
manner. The pollution map initiative will capture information about
location of pollution ....

RADIO GOA: Its official ,we are flying in Award winning DJ Rinton from
Tito's along with "Purple Rain" for Global Goans "Carnival de Goa" on
11th Feb

WHITE WATER GOA: Rafting Tours in South India. Tropical Jungle and
river valleys.

Decibel meters not available in Goa

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