Samir Kelekar wrote:


Message: 4

Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 03:15:13 -0800 (PST)

From: Samir Kelekar <>

To: Goanet <>

Subject: [Goanet] Citizenship issue --- what IQ these people have?

Message-ID: <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


Even a kid knows that citizenship is the only thing that decides political
rights in a country.

These guys must have real idiotic level IQ to think that they can make any
political difference in any country leave alone India without having its
citizenship. In fact, countries such as US are even stricter; no person not
born in the US can be US President. India is much more liberal and tolerant
in that respect.

But these guys want to take things to far. One kick where it hurts will
straighten these guys. (After all one lathi 40 years back -- and our Josebab
still remembers it well.)

After all, in the past they have not shown any capability of perseverence or
sticking on when things go tough. They have always taken the easy and
opportunistic way.





PS: As to those shouting about underwears, lick them properly and clean them
and then wear them over your head. After all, you are good at licking all
kinds of things. Gabriel, hope you are alive in Australia. Talk about your
Goan-hood in public and a knife may come at your throat. So, much for your
home country.




Our friend Samir has really lost it now, and God only knows where his next
outburst will be directed!


Let me make one thing clear: I don't think any of the non resident Goans
have plans to take over governance of Goa or India.  There are enough
learned and capable people among the 'resident' Goans who can do the
honours.  The only worry for Samir in his quest to become the President of
India is that he wont find any resident Goans backing him.  And now even the
NRG's who have backed him in the past, will have their doubts.


I just cannot understand why Samir has to be so rude.  All the NRG's know
very well that if at all anything is to be done for Goa, it is the resident
Goans who have to do it.  As far as I know,  Rajan is tirelessly working at
helping the resident Goans highlight issues he thinks important.  And just
because he happens not to be a resident, that should not preclude him doing
what he wants to do.  Maybe it would be a good idea if more resident Goans
woke up to the reality of what is happening in Goa and the direction it is
heading, and did something positive about it.  Please do no stop someone
whose heart cries for his motherland.  Someone who is honest about it, and
is working the best that he can in his circumstances, without hoping for a
reward.  Instead, join hands with him and others who are like minded.  It
will not hurt you to do so.  Sometimes, I just wonder if it is pure jealousy
on Samir's part that makes him react the way he does.  Jealousy because he
cannot do or achieve what Rajan and others are managing to do!


>From his message, it appears that Samir has had a rather violent upbringing.
An upbringing involving a lot of kicks and lathis on his poor back!  Sadly,
I cannot understand how Samir thinks that kicks and lathis will straighten
others, when the treatment did not work on him in the first place.


Samir ends his message with an interesting post script.  I think Samir has
voiced his personal experience with regard to the use of underwear, and now
imagines that everyone else has the same filthy habit that he has.  Gabriel
is very much alive and kicking here in Melbourne.  And he is definitely in
no danger of having knives in his throat.  Samir on the other hand has to
constantly watch his own back in Bengaluru.  The media in India has been
rife with news of 'rascist' violence against Indians in Melbourne.  What
they fail to mention is how the so called victims behave so as to attract
the treatment they get.  There are thousands of Goans here in Victoria,
living in peace and tranquillity.  And not one Goan has been attacked so
far.  Does any one wonder why?  Goans are respected and accepted for a
reason, a reason I don't have to elaborate upon.  Same is not the case with
many young north Indian people who come here and then try to make Melbourne
another mini India.  When one goes to another country, one has to respect
the customs and laws of that place.  Violence is prevalent in every nation,
including India.  And who can deny that there have not been cases of
foreigners killed in India?  Recently the Scarlett case made headlines in
the Indian newspapers.  What was our friend Samir doing then?


Finally, I would like Samir to know that non resident Goans are not relaxing
and enjoying life in the place they have settled.  They work very hard to
enjoy the comforts they get.  Life is not easy anywhere in the world.  In
fact I can say that life is definitely easy in Goa or India where people can
afford to have servants in their homes to do their work!  NRG's on the other
hand have no servants.  They do their 8 hour stints or more in some cases,
and then they have to do their own house work.  And they are not complaining
about it, for they do have their just rewards.  Importantly, they have made
a choice to live the life they live, and accept the consequences, without
complaints.  No NRG has 'always taken the easy and opportunistic way' as
claimed by Samir.  As far as the NRG's go, Goa is their homeland, and they
have their hearts in the right place.  About Samir, well, I do have my


Viva Goa, Viva Goenkars. True Goans, wherever they may be will always have
Goa in their hearts.


Salus Correia


Ps:  I have no claims about the level of my IQ, but when so called educated
people write so poorly as Samir does, then I don't think he can have any
claim on a good IQ.




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