Albert writes:- If Xano Moidekar has any axe to grind against me he is free to 
grind and you can use any number of names even filty words to describe me but 
Please do not make Mockery of Heaven. You say there will be pigs there, etc is 
not a cup of my tea. Already our religion has not been up to mark and we 
ourselves are to be blamed. We are not united among ourselves and many of us do 
not know which is the correct part to Heaven. There are two parts created. In 
our Path which is simple we just go to church in the morning,attend novenas and 
prayers .say a number of rosaries,visit shrines like Valankani,Potta, etc etc 
but remain the same. Our fathers and mothers -aged home. Some may have a wife 
some may have divorced--- etc.The second path is the path of action. The path 
that Mary the mother of Jesus followed. The Almighty God is the source of 
POwer, love, etc. From Him all good and even the bad things have come. This God 
is a true lover . He will suck your blood with love and ready to do anything 
for you. So you turn to the least of the least and look after them. You can do 
charity any way you want, Raise them above the Ground so that they can see 
Jesus. Spend for them according to your will and according to what you can. Do 
not allow them to go bed without anything eaten. How can you allow them ? Do 
Not worry about your neighbours bad things. Just select the good things from 
bad people and just ignore the bad.One day a Jailor woke up on a christmas day 
with a vow that he would be kind to the prisoners. He thought that he would 
find out the good points within them. He found one of the prisoner was a 
sculptor who could do any design on the wood. There was another one who was a 
very good desiel Mechanical engineer .One by one he started using them in the 
prison. A day came when they all became refined.The Jailor asked the Governor 
of his state to allow them to work somewhere as they had nowere to go. At least 
five of them had served a long term, dispissed by their familys and no where to 
go. There was a positive answer. These crimals were really rehabilated.         
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