*Indian Christians Urge the Govt.* *to Send Humanitarian Aid to Haiti*

*New Delhi**: 18 January 2010*: Remembering the victims of Haiti earthquake,
two Christian organizations today urged Prime Minister of India Dr. Man
Mohan Singh to send humanitarian assistance to Haiti.” How can India, an
emerging economic super power shut its eyes from this tragedy” JG Anthony,
president, Indian Christian Righteous Action –ICRA- Forum said in a

“On behalf of the ordinary people of India we our thoughts and prayers are
with the people of Haiti and we are confident that the resilience and
determination of the Haitian people will prevail in overcoming the aftermath
of this devastation," the statement further said.

RL Francis, National president of Poor Christian Liberation Movement, -PCLM-
also extended his condolences and call for urgent dispatch of aid to Haiti.

 The Haitian government is currently facing a humanitarian crisis as a
result of the catastrophic earthquake. An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the
Richter scale struck Haiti on 12 January.

Both ICRA- Forum and PCLM have also send condolence message to UN
Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki Moon for the loss of UN peacekeepers and
personnel in the tragedy.

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