Finally, somebody hit bulls eye!!!

These were the same questions I posed my own inquisitive mind many years ago. The answer always came back to just one word - Goans.

It's we, Goans, who must blame ourselves, for our miseries. We are in such a deep hole, that it wouldn't matter anymore - the damage has been done - nothing can bring us out of this mess - unless ofcourse Goans fire all the elected representatives and pump some fresh blood - new younger Goans with newer ideas to run the show.

Jim F
New York

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2010, at 12:20 PM, "soter" <> wrote:

Sometimes it just baffles me as to why people blame politicians for Goa's miserable state. It is just like the parents of a drug addict blaming the friends, police and government for not doing enough to curb the drug menace. We simply deny that we are also part of the problem. When it suits us the politicians are good and when it does not they are bad. What keeps our politicians afloat term after term? Who pays bribes for a government job? Who goes to a politician for a favour to circumvent the law? Who attends the functions graced by politicians? Who gives commissions to politicans to get the contract? Who takes money during elections to campaign for the politicians and even distribute money to buy votes? Who gives the legal assistance to politicians to defend their crimes? Who permits anti-people laws to continue being enforced? Who sell their ancestral lands to non-goans? Who make false affidavits to avail of Government schemes? Who wants 6-lane roads, cars, buildings, eat- outs, ......? Who are those who give abode to migrants on fantastic rents without toilets? Who? Who? Who? Mind you it is Goa's rich middle class. If the rich do not stand up what can one expect of the poor who are vulnerable? Mahatma Gandhi was once asked by a person as to why do the British continue to rule over us even though their armies are no match to the strength of the Indian people. His answer was, " because we allow them to rule". We Goans are the people destroying Goa by our greed, ever increasing consumption, lack of civic responsibility and often two-faced role. Save Goa slogans are just for international and national consumption and self-promotion.


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