Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 18:22:44 +0530
From: Tony de Sa <>

*A lie* well told and *repeated* constantly *becomes* a *truth* to credulous 
people. This is the tactic that Mario, a proponent of the "only-NRGs can save 
Goa" camp.

Mario responds:

Here what I said in the following post:

There are many good RGs doing their best and offering positive and constructive 
solutions for Goa, like Floriano and Venita for example.  

Compare this comment with the false poppycock by Tony that I belong to some 
"only-NRGs can save Goa" camp.

Actually, it is Tony who belongs to the two-person camp that "only RGs can save 
Goa", as we can see from his following post, referring to NRGs:

But they forget, that it is we and only we that can effectively change what is 
happening in Goa.

Tony says, referring to RGs, "we and only we".  I think this shows that Tony 
should be re-named Pinocchio:-)) Actually, he should apologize for  trying to 
impugn my integrity, and failing to do so.  We'll see if he has the stones to 
do so, or whether we can expect to see more stones thrown at NRGs for trying to 
help "we and only we".

Tony wrote:

We Goans are lotus eaters and we will never put down the bottomless glass of 

Mario observes:

Now we begin to see what Tony thinks of his fellow RGs and an indication of 
what he is capable of doing for Goa.

Is it any wonder that Goa is in such a mess?

Tony wrote:

Arwin recognizes that RGs are also contributing towards Goa's progress.
To blindly assert that only NRGs can change the ground situation in Goa by
remote control is ridiculous.

Mario observes:

See what that bottomless glass of feni can do to a person?  For one thing it 
makes it hard to understand the posts on Goanet, where I just showed where I 
had written, "There are many good RGs doing their best and offering positive 
and constructive solutions for Goa, like Floriano and Venita for example."  
Tony missed this because he was so busy looking for his next stone to throw at 

Other posts have shown that Rajan, George, Carmen, Arwin and Anil, among 
others, had made personal and very physical contributions to solving problems 
in Goa, and were not operating by "remote control".

Tony wrote:

To blindly assert that only NRGs can change the ground situation in Goa by
remote control is ridiculous.  To believe that NRGs are our saviours borders on 

Mario responds:

Here we see that Tony is unable to comprehend who was sleeping at the wheel 
since 1987 while Goa was being turned into a bloody mess.

Anyone who has been following these "discussions" know by now that numerous 
NRGs have not only done things for Goa but are looking to do more.

In the meantime, Samir and Tony have taken it upon themselves to demonize ALL 
NRGs, including their citizenship and their motives and dismissing NRGs as some 
sort of interlopers when Tony says, "But they forget, that it is we and only we 
that can effectively change what is happening in Goa."

Here is what I wrote in the post referenced above:

Unfortunately, there are also some RG and "deshi" NRG chest-thumpers who have 
decided that "foren" NRGs are a bigger problem than the corruption and mess in 
Goa, who are completely wasting their time and energy and deflecting attention 
from what needs to be done.

Tony wrote:

Will someone explain to him what I am trying to say in a few simple words?
But then he believes that he is the only voice of truth. peace and sanity on 
Goanet.  And a lie oft repeated etc, etc.  Tragedy is he believes it himself.

Mario responds:

If Tony will put down his lotus and bottomless glass of feni long enough to 
read what I have written above, perhaps he will see why I remain the lone voice 
of reason, peace and truth on Goanet:-))

However, based on what he has written so far, I am not holding my breath:-))

In the following post we see a compilation of stones thrown at Carmen and Anil, 
with threats against Rajan, by Tony and his NRG friend who pretends to be an RG:

I wonder what his next stone,, post, will look like:-))


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