Message: 3
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:08:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Mario Goveia <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Citizenship issue...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:21:42 +0530
From: Tony de Sa <>

This is typically the sarsaparilla that Gouveia specializes in. So parents,
husbands, wives, relations who invest money or goods or services for their
children/ spouses/ relations have half brains by the reckoning of the
'economist' from Jamshedpur's Tata Industries? Philanthropists who invest
millions by this reasoning must be having atomic brains.

Mario responds:

We can see that Tony De Sa cannot even spell my name correctly.

As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace, I am forced again to explain
what I wrote to show that Tony is having a hard time following the

Tony previously wrote, "I am no economist I confess, but I suspect
that this money was primarily sent to alleviate the lot of their families
and not specifically to improve the economy of the State."

Here is what I wrote in response to Tony's bizarre notion that people invest
their money "specifically to improve the economy of the State":

No one with more than half a brain works hard and invests money primarily
for someone else's benefit.  When people help themselves economically, they
automatically help others around them when the money is spent on purchases
and starts circulating in the economy.

Obviously when parents, husbands, wives, relations who invest money or goods
or services for their children/ spouses/ relations they are investing
primarily for the benefit of their own family and "not specifically to
improve the economy of the State", as Tony wants NRGs to do.  Only those
with half a brain would invest "specifically to improve the economy of the

I wonder if Tony can grasp the difference.

I wonder who he is talking about from Jamshedpur's Tata Industries. Must be
like that Goan from Toledo.  It's those pesky facts again that Tony has a
problem with.

Tony wrote:

Philanthropists who invest millions by this reasoning must be having atomic

Mario responds:

Once again I will be glad to teach Tony how this works:-))

Most American philanthropists like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were not
born wealthy, i.e they did not have enough money to be "philanthropists".
 They later became wildly successful in their businesses, investing for
themselves, not for others.

Once they had more money than they knew what to do with, they started giving
money away to help others, i.e. became philanthropists.  They never invested
"for others" because not too long ago, they had no idea they would have so
much money even for themselves.

Tony wrote:

Bull sh1t

Kitem re mario? Bezo fry zala, kitem?

Mario observes:

I think this gives us all an insight into the kind of half-baked thinking we
are dealing with here who joined Samir in launching a furious assault not on
the corruption that is responsible for the real mess in Goa but on NRGs
trying to help.

As usual Mario has caught the bull by its tail and has got you know what on
his hands.

When you NRG guys talk about the "real mess in Goa" you are talking in
respect to what frame of reference? USA? Canada? Zimbabwe? Bangladesh?

I live in Goa 24x7 and I don't find the "real mess in Goa" as bad as it is
made out to be. The way Mario and his cohorts are going on, one would think
doomsday is like one hour away.

There are problems, yes. Look at the problems in the Indian context.
Corruption? Yes there is corruption. But by spouting advice on an internet
forum are you going to change the situation? Garbage, yes garbage is a
problem. It is not like nothing is being done about it. NRGs wanna help?
Yes, come down and wield a bloomin shovel or a bull dozer or a JCB but don't
just tell me to take a shovel and get rid of it. Illegal mining? NRGs don't
tell us that we should stop illegal mining. Just do like RG Cheryl and do
something concrete. Hill cutting? Join the pickets. I could go on and on.

Unfortunately, some guys just can't get it in their thick heads that we
don't want your "we-are-in-foren-so-we-know-everything"advice. We want your
As I said earlier and am repeating my self for the nth time, taking this
argument into bylanes and lanes and circles does nothing.


         Tony de Sa

          M   : +91 9975 162 897
          Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


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