Dear Non Resident Goans,

This is an opportunity for Non Resident Goan to help Local Goans to save
Goa; please read below. Orlando and others were amond the very first
activist toare fight against Powerful Builders and thier political backers;
powerful yes but if more Goans join the effort, we can overcome!!

Should you want to help, kindly contact Orlando directly
Arwin Mesquita
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Orlando Silva <>
Date: 2010/1/22

Date: 10th Januar’2010.

My Dear Friend Arwin bab

Through News paper reports of major Goan dailies you all are aware what is
happening in your beautiful village of Carmona and the state of Goa at

Since  the year 2008, we Carmonakars have lodged a sustained battle with the
authorities in Goa to protect our mother land from the clutches of the land
sharks. If land sharks such as the Raheja’s of Mumbai fame are allowed to
set mega housing projects meant as second homes for the neo-rich from
outside the state there will be no land left for our future generations. As
it is with one mega deal by the Raheja’s in our village the land prices has
soared to astronomical figures thereby eroding the purchasing power of every
Carmonkar  whether he is working in Goa, the gulf or the luxury liners. The
basic infrastructure of water, electricity, garbage disposal and sewerage at
present are so dismal that our living will be made impossible by these mega

Our revolt against the mighty Raheja’s in Carmona has awakened many Goan
villages from the deep slumber and today each and every gramsabha in goan
villages are questioning the Sarpanchas and authorities  on the issue.

But our own elected representative such as MLA’s and Panchayat members  blinded
by short term personal greed are supporting these mega projects  by outside
builders. The same has happened in Carmona. Recently at the gramsabha
meeting held on 20/12/2009 the people of Carmona has passed a resolution and
told the Sarpanch to call back the file of the Raheja’s.

But our sarpanch and the balance group of five who have sold themselves  to
the bread loaves offered by the Raheja’s  are in no mood to listen to the
voices of the people.

At the behest of our local MLA the town and country planning department has
issued a provisional NOC to the builder which will be ratified by our
panchayat in its meeting to be held on 13/01/2010 to issue license to The

The action of the Town and country planning department and the Panchayat  to
issue the provisional NOC is nothing but a fraud. As per  circular dated
29.08.2008 the builder has to show the actual width of the existing access
road at site.  The said circular says that no NOC should be issued based on
proposed road/ broadening. I enclose a copy of the said circular for your

Many likeminded people from the village are of the opinion that this fraud
has to be challenged  in the high court and have promised support. We have
contacted lawyers and has taken opinion and are told that it is fit case to
permanently block the Raheja’s and also to give fiting  reply to our local
MLA and the Panchas supporting the builder.

Our estimate  runs in a few lakhs of rupees to match against the mighty
Raheja’s.  But we count on support  of all our dear brothers and sisters
working in far away countries and are hoping to return our sweet home after

Please circulate this appeal to all blue blooded Goans to spare a few
ruppess from their hard earned  incomes to save our mother land from the
hungry volves.

Thank you very much,

On behalf of the People of Tamdeg and Carmona at large.

Orlando. S. A. Da. Silva

Mobile No. 9823491364 – Feel free to contact for any clarifications if
Cheques  can be issued in my favour and I assure thorugh and honest
accountablity for the purpose it is asked for.


Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

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