Dear all,

JCI Santa Inez is a socio-cultural organization affiliated to JCI
India and Junior Chamber International. Over the past several years,
we have been organizing various events and activities for the service
of the community.

Some of our past events are River Cruise Programme for Physically and
Mentally challenged children, Science center visits for the
under-privileged, Old age home visits, Blood Donation Camps, Medical
Camps, etc.

International Year of the Youth and Republic Day Celebrations

2010 has been declared as the International Year of the Youth. Knowing
the importance of promoting environmental issues among children and
providing opportunity for them to effectively participate and learn,
JCI Santa Inez will mark the Youth Year and the occasion of Republic
Day by organizing a Children’s Cultural festival entitled “Go Goa”.
During the festival, a series of events and activities, primarily on
the theme of ‘Nature and Environment’ will be organized along with
other social issues concerning Goa. Various Schools from across Goa
will participate in an Inter-school format. Around 1000 to 1500
children are expected to be a part of this Festival.

Event Brochure available at:


The idea behind this event is that as children hold the key to the
future, we need them to be aware about environmental problems.

Our vision is:

•       To provide the Children with the opportunity to perform and exhibit
their creative and artistic talents.
•       To inculcate in the children the spirit of discipline and
environmental friendly habits.
•       To develop in children the love for Nature and to help create
awareness of Natural Conservation in the society.
•       To raise children’s awareness about environment and to let them lead
their families in promoting environmentally considerate behavior in
their homes.


The event shall be held in the Children’s Park at Campal, Panaji, on
Republic Day, i.e 26th January 2010, from 8.30 am onwards.

Children and schools from across Goa are invited to participate in a
series of events that will be organized during the Festival; namely:

Child Art Competition (Categories: Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle
School, Secondary and Differently Abled. Theme Scenery of Goa or any
Environment Issue), Poster Competition (Theme: Road Safety), Quiz
Competition, Debate Competition, Banner Competition and Essay
Competition. Following are the Event details and Timings

1.      Inaugural (9.30 am to 10 am) - Inauguration of “Go Goa” Children’s
Cultural Festival.

2.      Child Art Competition(10 am to 12 pm)

Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle School, Secondary and Differently Abled
Topics:  Pre-Primary (Any Topic)
For all others, i.e. Primary, Middle School, Secondary School and
Differently Abled children
(Either Scenery of Goa or Any Environment Issue)
Paper will be provided. Get your own colours and other material.

3.      Poster (for children up to Std X)
Poster Theme: Road Safety (Choose your own slogan)
Submit the Posters to the organizers before 26th January or on 26th
before 9 am. To be displayed at the Venue by 10 am.
May be prepared at home/ school
Posters must be on A3 size paper.
Posters must be hand drawn and coloured.
Posters will be judged on the basis of concept, artwork and originality.

4.      Banner (for Schools)
Submit the Banners to the organizers before 26th January or on 26th before 9 am.
Banner Theme: Environment (Choose your own slogan)
To be displayed at the Venue by 10 am.
May be prepared at home/ school
Banner must be of cloth material and must be hand drawn and coloured.
Banner size must be 2 meters x 1 meter.
Banners will be judged on the basis of concept, artwork and creativity.

5.      Debate (from Std VIII to X) 10 am onwards
Languages allowed:
English, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi
Team of 2 participants per school, one to speak for and one against.
Both to speak for 2 minutes each on any one chosen topic from the list
below followed by one minute of questions from the jury. One School
may send a maximum of 2 Teams with each Team choosing a separate
Topic (Choose any 1):

1. That economic development must not be at the cost of damaging environment.
2. That animals must be allowed as objects of sport and entertainment.
3. That high-rise housing must be encouraged in Urban areas.
4. That Loud music must be banned after 10pm.
5. That Helmets/ Seat Belts must be made compulsory.

6.      Essay (for children up to Std X) 2 pm to 3 pm
Languages allowed:
English, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi
Topic will be given on the spot.
(Hint: Topics will be related to the theme of Environment)

7.      Quiz(for children up to Std X)

Team of 2 participants
Written Preliminaries - 12 pm to 12.45 pm

Quiz Finals - 2  to 3 PM

Quiz will be on:
Environment Topics- 50 percent
General Knowledge – 50 percent

8.      Science Magic Show by Somu Rao - (3 pm to 4 pm)
An Interactive Workshop and Live demonstrations on the Magic of Science

9.      Prize Distribution (4 pm onwards)
Prizes to Individual Winners
Prizes to top 3 schools
Special Prizes to participants
Special Prizes to singers/dancers
Director General of Police Mr. B.S. Bassi has kindly consented to be
the Chief Guest for the occasion.

10.     Karaoke Show with Dance (After Prize Distribution)

Other details:
In addition to the above, special competitions will be announced on the spot.
Trophies and Prizes (Cash/ Gift Coupons) will be given in each event.
Schools with highest number of participating children will be given
Special Trophies.
Champion, Runners-up and Third Place Trophies will be awarded to
Schools that emerge Winners, Runners-up and Third place respectively.
Following points will be awarded in each event:
Points: 50, 40, 30 and 10 points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
consolation place in each category.

Free Boat Rides, Jumpies and Entertainment  Karaoke Singing Magic
Show, Clowns, Mascots
Entry Fee: Rs 10/- per participant per Event
Organizers will provide refreshments to the participants of each event.
Certificates will be provided to all participants.
No registration fee will be charged for students of Government schools.

Submit Entries at the Venue on the Spot, from 8.30 am onwards.
Venue: Children’s Park Campal Panaji Date: Republic Day 26th January 2010
For more information, contact Sandeep Heble ( 9326129171)

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Events coordinator

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