Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 11:14:48 +0000 (GMT)
From: Xanno Moidecar <>

The reason I've reiterated it is because in all the heat and hullabaloo we seem 
to forget that our beliefs, all our beliefs, held with fervour and faith and 
inspired by religion or rationality, makes us lose sight of the others point of 

I will not judge, in this posting, either camp.  I will however, use this 
opportunity to condemn, any extremist school of thought that prompts violence 
and unnecessary vitriol.

In fairness to both camps, abortions not compelled by extremely unusual 
circumstances should not be available in state sponsored health services.

Mario asks:

There is no question that "human life" begins at conception, regardless of 
whether one is religious or not, but "human beings" and "human persons" begin 
sometime thereafter based on the latest scientific and legal definitions 
accepted by most rational people.

Where a medical choice has to be made between the life of the fetus and the 
life of the mother, the parents have a difficult decision to make.  Had I been 
faced with such a decision I would have decided in favor of the mother simply 
because her life is developed and far more valuable than the nascent life that 
is a threat to her life.

However, there is the issue of thousands of EXCESS embryos created by in-vitro 
fertilization by parents who cannot conceive naturally.  These are lying in 
medical labs all over the place and have no conceivable use.  They are kept 
frozen, they constitute human life and would evolve into a human being if 
placed in a woman's womb.

The choices for these embryos are a) keep them frozen till hell freezes over, 
b) use them for embryonic stem cell research which would end these lives, or c) 
flush them which would end these lives.

The Catholic Church has washed its hands off these by banning artificial 
fertilization and insemination.

So, given the real life existence of thousands of these frozen embryos, what 
would the Xanno Moidekar and other anti-abortion Catholics do with these?

Currently some of these embryos are being used for embryonic stem cell research 
with the permission of those who conceived them.

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 08:53:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo <>

I live in Canada.  This is the place, in my mind, that comes closest to heaven 
on earth. The state spends an absolute minimum on sustaining an armed force and 
instead, concentrates on providing a decent life style for all its residents.

Mario observes:

I don't know about heaven on earth when a Canadian is unfortunate enough to be 
one of a million people on a waiting list for surgery, or one of a second 
million on a waiting list to see a surgeon to get on the first waiting list for 
surgery, or one of the five million who doesn't have a primary care physician.

However, they do have a decent quality of live otherwise, because their 
national security is underwritten by the USA and those Canadians who want to 
live can come to the US, where there are no waiting lists, for treatment they 
cannot get in "heaven on earth".

Mervyn wrote:

In Canada today, one third of all pregnancies are aborted.

If ever you are given the opportunity to watch a video on an?abortion being 
performed, don't.  That video will haunt you for the rest of your life. The 
foetus' face screams with agony during the procedure.

Mario observes:

Of course it does, because it is literally being torn limb from limb.

Mervyn wrote:

Whenever I question medical professionals about abortion, the answer I get is 
always the same. They claim that once the woman has decided on?an abortion, she 
is entitled to the best medical professionals available. The alternative would 
be for the pregnant woman to go down a back alley and find an old lady, dressed 
in black, with a coat hanger.

Mario responds:

This is the standard bogus sophistry peddled by pro-abortionists.

The sane alternative to an unwanted pregnancy is adoption, not an old lady with 
a coat hanger in a back alley.

I don't know where the back alley fits in because in the heaven on earth that 
is Canada the old lady would have a state sponsored apartment.  Maybe they use 
a back alley because of all the blood that will be spilled.

Mervyn wrote:

Given these two choices, I would prefer the woman get state guaranteed services.

Mario responds:

This would make it safer for the mother, but the fetus is still torn limb from 

Mervyn writes:

If you and me want to stop, or even reverse the tide of abortions, we have to 
come up with a reasoning/incentive that will encourage the pregnant woman to 
have her child. And if we are going to be truthful, the biggest?pressure for an 
abortion today, is an economical one. 

Mario responds:

This is not true.  There are numerous Catholic and Protestant organizations 
today that will help a woman with an unwanted pregnancy have her baby and give 
it up for adoption, without trying to make them feel guilty.

Besides, why hasn't the heaven on earth that is Canada - except fot unwanted 
babies apparently - set up similar facilities?

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