The myths surrounding the apparent lack of correlation between C02 levels and 
global temperatures have been debunked in this Newscientist article:

The various false political claims about the hacked East Anglia emails have 
been refuted in this Pew Center document:

As regards how the peer review process and repeated independent replication of 
results keeps science, as a whole, an honest enterprise in the long run, please 
see my post in a parallel thread.



--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Mario Goveia <> wrote:
> Once again, these charts show the breaks in the correlation
> between the growth in CO2 and global temperatures over long
> periods of time.
> Regarding conspiracy theories, the emails disclosed by the
> whistleblower at East Anglia College showed that there was
> scientific bias and an active ongoing consipracy of like
> minded scientists going on by the extreme environmental
> lobby, with peer reviews conducted by like minded colleagues
> and obstacles placed in front of dissenters.
> There are several good reasons to question the motives of
> the climate change scientists who seem to have been co-opted
> by politicians and one-world-order types who believe in the
> redistribution of wealth and the quest for grant money based
> on creating an alarm.
> This group of scientists have not acted in an open minded
> fashion towards those who disagree with them, like other
> scientists are known to do.
> I doubt Santosh would ever dismiss or deliberately seek to
> bury scientific opinions that differ from his own from
> publication, as we saw going on at East Anglia College.
> Here are some facts in no particular order:
> 1. The summary reports issued by the IPCC are written by
> political appointees not the thoussands of scientists as
> claimed by the environmental ideologues who work on bits and
> pieces of the project as a whole..
> 2. Rajendra Pachauri falsely poses as a climate scientist
> for media purposes.  The man is a railway
> engineer.  He deliberately delayed correcting the
> report on Himalayan glaciers and we have no idea if he would
> have done so unless exposed by others.
> 3. When "An Inconvenient Truth" was garnering accolades
> around the world and earning a Nobel Peace Prize not a
> single climate scientist, stepped forward to expose the nine
> deliberate errors that were included by Al Gore.
> With all due respect, Santosh, I don't remember hearing a
> word from you exposing the falsehoods during that farce
> presented as scientific fact.
> Your spirited advocacy has been largely one sided.
> 4. If the climate scientists truly believed their own
> theory about CO2 being the cause of global warming, I submit
> that they should not have they excluded India, China and all
> the less developed countries from the provisions of the
> Kyoto Treaty while pretending that it would have an effect
> on greenhouse gases.
> 5. Blaming 0.039% of the earth's atmosphere for the entire
> atmosphere acting as a greenhouse makes no intuitive sense,
> especially in the context of the global warming taking place
> on Pluto and Mars.
> None of the extreme environmentalists mention Pluto or
> Mars.
> 6. Pretending that total CO2 will be seriously reduced by
> the economic contractions being proposed and made mandatory
> only on the western economies, when man-made CO2 is only
> 0.013%, is like a sick joke, if the extreme
> environmentalists were not so influential.
> 7. The climate change models simply failed over the last
> decade.  Yet we are being asked to believe them in the
> future and turn the economies of the world upside down based
> on these speculative models.

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