--- On Thu, 2/4/10, lyrawmn <lyra...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: lyrawmn <lyra...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa in Huffington post
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 5:58 PM

Mr Goveia.
It is called appeasement, sitting-on-the-fence, gutless even.
NO stand on any issue.  
BUT  ding Mr Parrikar.  And needlessly.
Mr Noronha feels safety in numbers (1-2 RGs with anti NRG sentiment) and a 
Herald platform - The same newspaper with questionable journalistic ethics - to 
express his milkey  toast views. 
Note: The RGs spouting anti-NRG vitriol are the same bending over for white 
foreigners and tourists  residing  (Yikes how did that happen?) in Goa saying : 
How far down Sah?
Remember  Paul Tsongas'  campaign on not being a Pand(er ) bear to special 
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 2/4/10, Mario Goveia <mgov...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Had Fred been with us through the recent months he would have known that NRGs 
like Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, and especially Anil, were just minding their own 
business and trying to raise interest among RGs to wake up and DO something for 
Goa to confront the growing mess there.

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:56:21 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha <fredericknoro...@gmail.com>

Mario is probably right. The difference is, however, that the average
RG doesn't believe he's an expert in everything, and doesn't let out
gas in cyberspace at the slightest excuse!

He isn't in blame-mode, blaming everyoneone in sight in a random
manner because in his perception the problem has suddenly gotten
worse. Also, I know many here who are attempting, in some way, to
build a solution. The attitude isn't one of
thank-god-that-I-got-away-and-I-need-to-convince-myself-it's-a-sinking-ship, as 
we often encounter in cyberspace.

Mario observes:

The comments above could only have been conceived by someone who has just 
returned after an extended trip to another planet.

Had Fred been with us through the recent months he would have known that NRGs 
like Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, and especially Anil, were just minding their own 
business and trying to raise interest among RGs to wake up and DO something for 
Goa to confront the growing mess there.

I don't remember any of them maligning RGs in any way, shape or form.  I 
distinctly remember Carmen asking to meet with RGs in order to compare notes 
and formulate strategy.  I don't remember Rajan asking for anyone's help in the 
actual legal actions he has taken at his own expense.

Suddenly from out of the weeds we saw a furious attack on all "foren" NRGs by a 
couple of RGs, for no apparent rhyme or reason, maligning them, their motives 
and their credentials, especially those with "foren" citizenships.

One of them, who has done precious little for Goa while watching with glass of 
feni in hand as the mess developed, ostentatiously claimed that "we and only 
we" - referring to RGs - could fix what is wrong with Goa.  Oh, really?  Where 
then were "we and only we" since 1987?

All this is documented in the archives waiting until Fred has time to catch up 
with the dialog on Goanet.

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