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In 1510 Portugal ''did'' us a great favour by conquering the city of Old Goa
from the Muslim
rulers of Bijajpur. In 1910 Portugal declared itselffree from the monarchy
and became a
Re;public . In 1961 Goa was liberated from the Portuguese hegemony.

All these dates converge  in 2010 as 500th, 100th, and almost 50th
anniversaries of these
events and hence some well meaning souls would have us celebrate with proper
dignity in Goa

Before we get into the celebration mood , it would be better on our part  to
assess the benefits
that were accrued by the general population of Goa . Hence the comparison of
the social,
economic, religious, etc. conditions that existed in 1961 with those
existing today in 2010
would be imperative for the proper assessment of benefits from the colonial

Yes, we , at least, the Goan catholics  are definitely grateful that we have
been Christians
for five centuries, by now. There was some spiritual improvement, but was
there any
improvement in the general standards of living of Goan people ? I don't
think there was
any difference between the standards of living of the 16th century
Christians an the
the Christians of the mid 20th century.Literacy could have helped in better
but, in my personal opinion, the casteist clergy of colonial times would
have none of it.
May be it (the literacy) interfered with the smooth passage of souls to
heaven. In other
words, most Goan christians, of the mid 20th century lived as miserably as
their ancestors
did in the 16th century.

Some one, I do not remember who, may be  ''uma alma do outro mundo ''wants
us to
remember the 1910 transfromation of Portuguese monarchy into Republican
administration. What does it mean to Goa ? Zilch , I suppose.

I would not my fellow citizens of Goa to celebrate the 50th anniversary next
year for we
still have miles to go befor we become worthy citizens of the world at
large. I shall only
ask them to ponder over the social economic status of their parents and
grand parents
with the standards of living they are enjoying today.

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