As a Goan Jew, I can say that we would have no issues with India adopting the  
swastik as a symbol of its currency. Most of us are quite aware of Hindu 
symbols and the need, nay the right, for Hindus and India to express its 
heritage with pride. The alliance and mutual understanding between Jews and 
Hindus is quite natural as we were both targets of Christian aggression and 

Goan catholics in  particular need to wake up from their slumber and cease the 
comical worship of their ONE god(s) ... you know, God the father et al,  the 
Mother of god and the endless demi-Gods also known as the saints. And, what is 
it with Goans and their disgusting affinity to be named after anti-Jewish 
tyrants? I understand that there are quite a few Hitlers and Stalins living in 
Goa. In fact, isn't there a person by the name of Naz.. er.. Nasci on goanet? 
When a person such as this is allowed to broadcast his bigotry and intolerance 
on this forum, it sends shivers down my spine. The few prominent Churchills 
around, cannot make up for the verbal and emotional torture we Jews suffer, 
when we hear their names and what they have to say. 

Besides their terrible choices with names and their religion, catholic Goan 
cuisine is quite horrid as well. To have names such as Leitao is one thing, but 
to be eating a leitao makes me dream of the finer cuisine that was served to 
the prisoners in Aushwitz. Perhaps it is because I was scarred for life as a 
child. My renunciation of my imposed christian faith and Goan culture was 
sealed when I had to take the throne in my grand mothers house and watch the 
pigs lap it up from underneath me ... and not much later to have the same 
animal served to me on a plate. It does not stop there. The look of a goan 
sausage, all twirled up in a tidy brown pile is quite visually assaulting - if 
you know what I mean. If you want to eat pork, that is fine, but why do you 
take pleasure in eating it in a form that also resembles the animal's staple 
diet? Presumably this is Nasci's definition of a pork consuming "Modern Goan" 

There are a lot of non-resident Goans who continue to screech about the 
non-Goan influx into Goa. Let me say that contrary to your christian tenant 
that we Jews are cheap, the fact is that we are rich and spend a lot of money. 
It is our desire to have another Jewish homeland in N.Goa and there are a lot 
of you willing to sell it to us at market rates. FYI, the next time, you visit 
the Goan Jewish territories of Aramabol, please make sure you respect our 
refined culture and values. Uncouth catholic Goans, with evil sounding names 
should stay away however.


----- Original Message ----
From: Nascy Caldeira <>

mine is a 'modern Goan Indian' culture with a worldly look, not a
narrow parochial one like the majority of Indians; and I must say, I
had cultivated this modern Indian Culture much much before, I landed
Down Under.

My migration to being 'Modern Man'
in the international sense  was made possible first by my ancestors in
Goa, who broke away from the conservative primitive madness of the Indian 
and reformed; that is, so many of us; so much so that we can integrate
and make ourselves 'at home' in any culture, anywhere in the world, and
Be Accepted!!!

Sad to say that I feel most uncomfortable with the traditional Indian Culture 
whilst not only in India but even in the Goa of today. Why? Because everything 
is so much 'pochpochit' !!!

Hard Feelings! I mourn for the 'primitiveness' of the majority of
Indians. I identify myself as truly modern and worldly integrating
person of Indian origin. I love BEEF and BACON; most of the world does!

Nascy Caldeira.


----- Original Message ----
From: Cecil Pinto <>
Geometrically, the Swastika can be regarded as (the area inside of) an
irregular icosagon  or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi
swastika were fixed based on a 5x5 diagonal grid.

Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the
absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of
swastikas that are each other's mirror image.

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