Konkani filmbook: Seeking sponsors

I am personally assisting Goan journalist/writer Isidore Dantas publish a book 
in Romi Konkani script on Konkani films (31 to date). See more information on 
Isidore and the book below. It is a monumental effort and treasure trove of 
valuable information covering all 31 celluloid Konkani films made to date 
(music, songs, actors/actresses, etc.). A scholarly and well-researched book 
which belongs in every Goan household, this book is destined to be a classic.

The book is yet to be published given the challenge of the traditional model to 
sell Goans books (they are rarely profitable which discourages Goan authors 
from publishing).

As a means to be creative and innovative to make the publishing model work in 
this case and to make this a community effort, I am appealing to the larger 
public to help with funds for publishing the book. If any one is willing to 
donate to the publishing costs in any amount in excess of US $100, their name 
or in memory of someone will be listed as a sponsor in the book in a tasteful 
manner. This way your association with such an iconic classic and legendary 
book will be there for posterity. Please note that one or two sponsors could 
cover the cost of publishing the book, but a community effort is more 
appealing. Now is the time for Goans to actually help, rather than keyboard 
about all the ills that affect Goa while doing nothing. Do something now. Do it 
for Goa. Be a part of Goan history.

Please email me at georgejpi...@yahoo.com and let me know. The deadline for 
Sponsorship closes March 10, 2010.

Thank you.


ISIDORE DANTAS - brief profile:
I have been writing to Konkani magazines from the age of eleven. At present I 
am 62. I have contributed to Aitarachem Vachop, Udentechem Nekhetr, 
Vauraddeancho Ixtt, Sot, Divtti, The Goan Sports Weekly, Gulab, Poddbimb. I now 
regularly write for Jivit in Roman script and for Uzvadd in Devnagri script. 
Whenever time permits I contribute to Goa Today, Gomantak Times and Sunaparant. 
My first book on Konkani proverbs was released in September 2007 entitled 
Vozram-a treasure trove of Konkani adages with English interpretation at the 
hands of the Goa Chief Minister. In October 2008, I was awarded the Al Jerry 
Braganza Award for the work on Konkani films again at the hands of Goa CM. 
Besides this, I regularly contribute to Akashwani, Mumbai. I have also written 
the sub-titles for the Konkani film DVD Bhuianrantlo Monis.

The research work on celluloid Konkani films which I now wish to publish 
consists of about 300 pages with about 250 photographs. It comprises of 
information on all 31 Konkani celluloid films produced so far in Goa, Karnataka 
and Maharashtra. It includes Black... produced in Kuwait and also the latest 
Poltoddcho Monis which won award at the Toronto Festival. The book contains 101 
songs out of which 85 are with music notes. The book also consists of a chapter 
on Konkani people who have contributed to Bollywood.

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