A Repugnant Suggestion By The Chief  Justice Of India  


As I was browsing through the news papers on the net, on Women's day, one of the
articles on TOI did attract my attention in particular, the statement made by
the Hon. Chief Justice of India, Justice K G Balakrishnan, that "due regard must
be given to the wishes of a rape victim, if she wants to marry the rapist or
give birth to a child conceived following the crime". I am in no way as
qualified as the CJI, nor do I understand anything major about the law process,
but as a concerned citizen of India, I am much perturbed by this statement. 


As far as I am concerned a rape is a rape, no matter what terms or adjectives
are used, it is the basic violation of one's human right, be it man or woman and
should not go unpunished, no matter what follows in the aftermath and the
punishment must be very severe and precise because, rape is not just physical
degradation, it's a mental torture, the scars or the imprint of which, seldom
heal or disappear, during the life term of a person. The entire life of a person
can be devastated by this savage act of lust, which in no way reduces the
intensity of the crime, even if forgiving by the victim.


The decision of the victim, to marry the perpetrator, may be entirely personal
or because of the circumstances created by the perpetrator, and should not have
any influence on the process of justice. In the case of the victim wanting to
marry the perpetrator, the wheels of justice should not deviate, but hold on to
the path of righteousness and the perpetrator punished, if found guilty, or else
we'll have women being singled out and randomly raped and then married as per
convenience. This will only encourage rape and accordingly the situation will
not be ameliorated in any way but rather exacerbated in more ways than one.


I do not know in what other context the CJI, could have made that statement but
as a layman, I know that even in a marriage, forced sex is a rape, so the
perpetrator marrying his victim, is surely no alternative for consideration.
Given the history of rapes to the rate of convictions, which is very much
abysmal in India, our authorities should be working towards giving justice to
the brave women, who despite the taboo of being raped, on their lives, have made
efforts to fight for justice, so that the perpetrators may be punished and other
women may live in dignity.


It is indeed very much disconcerting to note, that just a minuscule percent of
the rapes cases in India are reported, out of which, the conviction rate is even
more pathetic, if this is the apathy towards the rape victims, what are the rape
victims suppose to do ? Fight the perpetrators against all odds by themselves or
follow the repugnant suggestion of the CJI and forgive the perpetrator and marry
him and live happily ever after ? 


Will that be possible ? In India we are a very conservative society, and most
often than not, rapes are not reported, some are even made to marry the
perpetrators, to get rid of the social stigma of being raped. Is that the way,
the Indian women of the 21st century should be humiliated ?  I am shocked that,
not a single woman of substance, of the present era, nor the human right groups
in India, have raised a voice of concern regarding this statement made by the
CJI. We do have every right to ask "what due regard" was the CJI talking about ?
As far as the crime is concerned, punishment should be nothing less than
castration or a life sentence. If this punishment is horrifying, so is the


With the present attitude towards rape victims I wonder, if the victims of rape
will ever see justice served or "Justice for all" the very foundation of our
constitution, will remain, just a slogan. On women's day, our Indian women
surely deserved, a lot better than what was offered by the CJI.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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