Dear Goanetters,
Here is a delighful story sent to me by Mel D'Souza. Enjoy!!

By Mel D’Souza 
(from conversations with Martin, son of Sebastião Rodrigues).

During the era when Britannia ruled the waves, Goan cooks were always in demand 
in India, the jewel of the then mighty British Empire, and in Britain’s 
colonies in East Africa. Like their clerical counterparts in the offices of the 
Colonial Civil Service, they were competent, reliable, and, above all, 

Having been raised in a strict Catholic environment in rural Goa, then a 
Portuguese territory, they acquired a respect for higher authority and, from 
their frugal mothers, learnt to appreciate good food and the way it was cooked 
with loving care.

It is no wonder, then, that Goan cooks found employment readily in hotels, 
railway diners, passenger ships, the merchant navy, and even the Royal Navy. 

Goan cooks adapted well to European cuisine, and many rose to the position of 
chef. Among this exclusive group were a few who gained renown for their 
exceptional culinary skills and the introduction of Goan specialties to the 
fare. One such chef was Sebastião (Sebastian) Benedicto Rodrigues. 

Sebastian was born in the village of Moira around 1900, and grew up in a poor 
family. His father was a “tarvoti”, a ship steward, who worked on a British 
passenger ship, like many a Goan breadwinner of that era. The wife was left at 
home in Goa to bring up the children.

Sebastian went to the village parochial school and in his spare time was a 
“gorvan rakno” – a cow herder.

At the young age of fourteen, a relative took him to Delhi and got him a job as 
assistant to the cook in a hotel. Sebastian worked diligently, and was soon 
promoted to ‘cook’. 

In 1925, as a young man with an established profession, Sebastian was offered a 
job as cook to Col. J. B. St. John, the Resident Governor of Quetta (in 
Pakistan today). The Resident Governor was the Agent of the Governor General in 
Delhi. Sebastian worked in Quetta for three years.

In Karachi at that time, there was a well-known Goan tailor, Trinidade by name, 
who catered to the rich and famous British elite. He had two attractive and 
single daughters.

One day, a friend suggested that Sebastian should settle down and start a 
family, and asked if he would consider a proposal from one of Trinidade's 
daughters. As a humble cook, Sebastian didn't think he stood much of a chance, 
but agreed that the matchmaker put his name on the list anyway.  Much to his 
surprise, he received a formal proposal from one of the daughters which he 
readily accepted. Thus Sebastian married Luizinha, and they were blessed with 
two boys."

When Col. St. John was promoted to Premier of Jaipur, Sebastian moved his 
family to Jaipur where they lived for about eighteen years. In 1939, Martin was 
sent as a boarder to St. Anselm’s European High School in Ajmer, 30 miles from 
In 1945, Col. St. John returned to England, but before leaving introduced 
Sebastian to the Hon. C.L. Corfield, Agent of the Governor General in Punjab 
State, stationed in Lahore.

Sebastian worked for Corfield in Lahore, and when the latter came to Delhi as 
advisor to the British Government of India under Lord Wavel, he brought 
Sebastian along with him.

Shortly before India gained its independence in 1947, Corfield moved to South 
Africa, and Sebastian and his family returned to Goa.

When India gained full independence in 1947, Sebastian returned to Delhi.  
Foreign countries were beginning to open up new embassies in the capital, and 
he soon got a job as cook to Capt. William Settle, the US Naval Attache. Barely 
six months in the job, Sebastian was offered the position of chef to the 
Belgian Embassy on the recommendation of Mr. Corfield who was a friend of the 
new ambassador, Prince Eugene de Ligne of the House of Beloeile. Sebastian 
accepted the offer, and moved to the Belgian Embassy. 

After a month on the job Prince Eugene held a diplomatic reception at the 
Embassy, for which Sebastian was given sole charge. Prince Eugene was so 
impressed with the manner in which the reception was executed, that he showed 
his appreciation by having a photograph taken of Sebastian with himself, Pandit 
Nehru and other dignitaries. Regrettably, the photograph was lent to a relative 
and eventually lost. 

Sebastian worked at the Belgian Embassy in Delhi for about four years – a 
period that was the highlight of his career.

One memorable episode took place during the Belgian Trade Exhibition in Bombay 
when Prince Eugene hosted a gala banquet at the Taj Mahal Hotel for the 
diplomatic community and other dignitaries. Sebastian was put in charge of all 
the arrangements. This is when Sebastian chose to debut ‘pomphrets’ on the 

Now, “pomphret” is a flatfish (pampus Chinesis) with a smooth silvery skin that 
Goans would usually fry in a pan, but over a layer of straw that gave it a 
unique and distinctive flavour of a fried/smoked fish.

Prince Eugene was so impressed that he asked Sebastian to demonstrate how the 
fish was prepared. During the demonstration, the secret of Sebastian’s 
perfection was revealed when he flipped the fish in the pan with his bare 
hands, obviously to remove any strands of straw that could burn and mar the 
pomphret’s silvery skin. 

Upon returning to Delhi, the Taj Mahal Hotel requested Prince Eugene to send 
Sebastian to Bombay to teach their cooks how to cook pomphrets. But Sebastian, 
who didn’t like the attitude of the European manager (at the banquet during the 
Belgian Exhibition), turned down the invitation.

Back in Delhi, Prince Eugene would not have any chef cook for him other than 
Sebastian. And one of his favourite dishes was fried pomphret.

One day, the Prince asked Sebastian about his wife’s cooking, and Sebastian 
replied that Luizinha was good at cooking only Goan food. The Prince asked if 
he could try some of her cooking, and Luizinha obliged; she cooked Goan 
curries, without chillies, and these became a hit with Princess Yolande, 
(Prince Eugene’s daughter), and her friend, Indira Gandhi. Luizinha also 
introduced the two ladies to one of Goa’s traditional pancakes, ‘alebele’ 
(ah-leh-beh-leh); Indira Gandhi loved these so much that she sent her cook to 
the Belgian Embassy to learn how to cook them. 

At the end of his term as Ambassador, Prince Eugene returned to Brussels and 
took Sebastian along with him. In addition to his fulltime job as chef, 
Sebastian would accompany Prince Eugene to the racetrack on weekends (free 
admission as a member of the Royal entourage) and spend the afternoon watching 
the races.

Sebastian had the best of European life going for him, but like every true 
Goan, he lacked the company of fellow Goans. After only six months in Brussels, 
he called it a day and returned to Delhi. 

Unfortunately, Sebastian didn’t get to enjoy retirement for very long; he died 
in Delhi in 1951.



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