To investigate the Kaiga episode, we need an independent committee,
composed of external experts, radiation biologists, safety specialists
and representatives of workers. We cannot afford to be cavalier about
nuclear safety, writes Praful Bidwai.

The poisoning of more than 90 workers with radioactive tritium at the
Kaiga nuclear power station is a serious safety violation, which calls
for a critical look at India's nuclear power programme. The way the
episode came to light, and the manner in which the authorities, from
plant managers to the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, to top officials
of the Department of Atomic Energy, responded to it is a disturbing
tale in itself.

The tritium ingestion was noticed on November 24 only after its
effects had become manifest in abnormal levels of the isotope found in
the urine of 92 plant workers, of the 800 tested. The plant managers
admitted to the incident only after it caused public concern and the
media reported it. Although they called this a "malevolent act", they
didn't report it to the police for a week. The police aren't convinced
this was the first occurrence of its kind at Kaiga.

We still don't know precisely how and for how long the workers'
internal exposure to tritium occurred, what was the concentration of
tritium in the water-cooler (which was allegedly deliberately spiked
with tritium), and how many people drank the water. All that the
Nuclear Power Corporation, which operates the Kaiga reactors, said is
that two workers received a dose exceeding the 30 millisievert maximum
limit stipulated by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board. This is a
general limit for radiation, not specific to tritium, a highly toxic
substance for which different measures such as Curies or Bequerels per
litre are usually prescribed the world over.

AERB and DAE officials have denied safety lapses and blamed the mishap
on internal 'sabotage' or 'mischief-making' by unidentified employees:
these employees, 'it appears', added tritium-contaminated heavy water
to a drinking-water cooler. The officials claim the cooler was
properly sealed and the 'mischief-maker' poured the tritiated water
into it through its 'overflow tube'.

This raises many awkward questions. Did the affected workers involved
belong to the Kaiga power reactor? How frequently and rigorously are
their urine samples tested? If the testing is not done daily, the
tritium ingestion could have occurred many days before it was
detected. If so, the heath effects would be far worse than claimed.
If, on the other hand, the workers belonged to a special facility to
produce tritium for military purposes by separating it from tritiated
heavy water -- as some reports suggest -- then the incident points to
a grave safety vacuum or violation.

In the second case, only the best-trained and security-cleared
employees should have been allowed to extract tritium-containing
water, put it into vials and handle or transport it -- and too only
under strict supervision. Evidently, this wasn't ensured. In any case,
it doesn't make sense to allow anyone to handle a dangerous and
expensive material like tritium without stringent oversight. The
estimated costs of producing tritium vary from $30,000 (about Rs 13.88
lakh) per gramme in Canada [ Images ] to $100,000 (about Rs 46.27
lakh) in the US. Strategically, tritium is an extremely sensitive
material used in nuclear weapons as a booster

The AERB and the DAE are wrong to counterpose 'mischief' by
'disgruntled' employees to safety lapses. Good regulation and sound
safety procedures must reckon with the possibility of mischief,
irresponsible conduct or sabotage, and prevent or limit harm from
them. The possibility that employees' discontent should reach such
extremes as deliberately inflicting harm upon their colleagues speaks
of a poor working culture and calls for introspection on the DAE's

The DAE's hypothesis that a worker inserted the tritium into the water
cooler through its overflow tube sounds dubious. Given the weight of
the water column inside the overflow tube, the tritium would have to
be pumped into it with considerable force. This at minimum would
require some planning and prior collection of equipment like pumps.

This needs thorough investigation by an independent body. That body
cannot be the AERB. The board is a subsidiary of the Atomic Energy
Commission, without its own staff, budget or equipment. The DAE is the
operator, planner, licensor, builder and manager of all nuclear
projects -- without independent regulation or safety audit. The DAE
secretary is also the AEC chairman. The AERB, as former board chairman
A Goapalakrishnan puts it, is the DAE's 'lapdog'.

To investigate the Kaiga episode, we need a truly independent
committee, composed of external experts, radiation biologists, safety
specialists and representatives of workers and citizens liable to be
affected by nuclear mishaps. Parliament must demand such a committee
which is empowered to examine all the relevant records and practices
and recommend compensation to the affected workers and corrective
action. The truth about the tritium exposure must be fully

The DAE has tried to trivialise the hazards posed by tritium and
treated it as a non-toxic substance. But tritium is a beta-ray emitter
and can cause extensive, irreversible damage. Scientific studies
indicate that tritium in living creatures can produce effects
including cancer, genetic defects and developmental abnormalities. It
can cause mutations, tumours and cell death.

Tritiated water is associated with significantly decreased weight of
brain and genital tract organs in mice and can cause irreversible loss
of female germ cells in both mice and monkeys even at low
concentrations. Lower doses of tritium can cause more cell death,
mutations and chromosome damage per dose than higher doses. Tritium
can impart damage which is two or more times greater per dose than
either X-rays or gamma rays.

There is no evidence of a threshold for damage from tritium exposure.
Even the smallest amount can have negative health impacts. Tritium
bound in animal or plant tissue can stay in the body for 10 years or
longer. Tritiated water may be cleared from the human body in about 10
days. But if a person lives in an area where tritium contamination
continues, s/he can experience chronic exposure. Tritium from
tritiated water can become incorporated into the DNA, the molecular
basis of heredity for living organisms. DNA is especially sensitive to

The DAE and AERB have a cavalier attitude to tritium safety. They have
failed to evolve adequate exposure standards for tritium, whose
maximum dose has been reduced in many countries by about 1,000 times
over the past two decades. Physicist and nuclear safety researcher
Surendra Gadekar narrates a frightening episode at the DAEs heavy
water plant at Rawatbhata in Rajasthan [ Images ] in July 1991: 'Drums
of tritiated heavy water were stored in a room that needed a
whitewash. Outside labourers were hired to do the whitewash and found
that the taps were (as usual) not working. They mixed the lime with
the water in the drums, did the whitewash, then cleaned their brushes
and faces with the same water and went away. All this without any
supervision from plant authorities.'

Says Gadekar: 'It was only later when the radiation counters started
screaming that these worthies surmised that their rooms had the
costliest whitewash in history and instituted a search for the
'errant' labourers who… decided to remain incognito and suffer the
injuries to their health in silence. Since they were only 'casual'
outside labourers and since the incident did not cause any ripple in
the English language media, the nuclear establishment was able to
laugh the matter off.'

The DAE's history is replete with safety breaches, accidents, hundreds
of cases of occupational workers' exposure to radiation well in excess
of the officially stipulated maximum limits. At least 350 such cases
were documented by this writer in 1982 in The Times of India [ Images
] from the Tarapur power station alone. The then DAE secretary H N
Sethna didn't deny the overexposure, but blithely declared that it
posed no danger to the workers!

DAE accidents include a fire in the turbine room (Narora), collapse of
a containment dome -- a concrete shell meant to protect the
environment against leaks from the reactor -- during construction
(Kaiga), flooding of a reactor building (Kakrapar), and a recent
14-tonne radioactive heavy water spill (Chennai) Not enough is known
about the DAE's safety procedures because it operates under a veil of
secrecy thanks to the Atomic Energy Act, 1962. This allows it to
suppress any information it doesn't wish to disclose. However, what is
known about safety lapses in its uranium mines, transportation of
nuclear materials and waste storage practices should raise alarm.

These safety failures are compounded by the absence of transparency,
independent oversight, safety audit and public accountability. The
true social, health-related and environmental costs of nuclear power
in India will only be known if the Atomic Energy Act is amended and an
independent licensing and safety regulatory agency is created, which
reports to Parliament and exercises full authority over the DAE.

Such an agency must formulate transparent rules, procedures and norms
on the basis of expert advice and state-of-the-art understanding of
the best practices prevalent in the nuclear industry. It must subject
them to public debate. It must make a serious environmental impact
assessment based on transparent public consultation and hearings
before approving a project site. And it must conduct health surveys
both before project construction and periodically thereafter. We
cannot afford to be cavalier about nuclear safety.

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