Accusing an artist of hypocrisy for creating something based on his/her own 
likes and dislikes is pointless and silly. The essence of any art is artistic 
freedom. An artist is free to create anything he fancies or fantasizes about. 
Nobody can tell him what to create and what not to create. All one can do is 
not buy his art.



--- On Fri, 3/12/10, Samir Kelekar <> wrote:
> Good point. Further, Sandeep's argument saying Hussein
> painted
> Hindu Goddesses nude because of the tradition in the Hindu
> religion,
> while he didnt do the equivalent because of lack of
> tradition in 
> Islam is in direct contradiction to the argument that his
> drawings
> are creative.
> Creativity being an unfettered thing is completed out of
> tune
> with maintaining traditions. The essence of creativity is
> breaking
> away from traditions.
> In other words, the above is just a cop-out argument of
> Hussein's.
> It is very likely that if he imagines Hindu Goddesses nude,
> he
> would be imagining the Muslim godddesses or equivalent nude
> too,
> and if he is true to himself, he should draw those too.
> Just shows the hypocrisy of the man, and also of his
> defenders.
> regards,
> Samir


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