Dr Anil Desai:

The pseudo-secularist political operators in India see bad in Hindu religion


1. I have several times stated  very clearly that violence or hate is no
answer to any disagreement or dispute. You are welcome to run through the
Goanet archives where you will find upteen such postings. There are
democratic and civil ways of protesting.

2. Now,can you point out even one post of mine speaking bad or negative of
the Hindu religion or even hindu religious practices?

3. Do you believe that the hindu religion and hindutva ideology to be one
and synonymous?

4. Do you subscribe to the hindutva ideology?

5.Could you kindly share with us what motivated you to post that insensitive
and tactless article by Francois Gauntier at the height of the violence
against christians in Orissa by hindutva extremists two years ago?

6. I may have perhaps missed seeing your post condemning the violence
against christians in Orissa by extremist hindutvavadis. Would you be kind
enough to provide the link to this post?

7. You mentioned in an earlier post that you felt offended by MHF's painting
which was posted by someone on Goanet in the course of a debate. Are you
similarly offended when these paintings are displayed on the websites of
organisations like HJS/SS, VHP, Bajrang dal, etc? If yes, have you
communicated your sense of hurt to them? Have you ever condemned such acts
or do you feel they are justified?



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