Dotor bab,
I had asked yo the question because I was sure that you did not
hear the songs..If you had really heard all the songs you would not come to
wrong conclusion...the meaning of Bodmass itself says a lot about Calvert.

Fyi, there are 14 songs on this CD and of these 5 songs are exposing local
politician..the same politician whom Calvert had introduced to the local
people as his
friend and got him elected...even after knowing the politican was a kallo
There are no religious extremists involved in this. Calvert has himself
that the men who were sent to his house were sent by the politician and the
rival panch.

This is not the first time that songs on priest are sung but there have been
instances in the past too, how come there was no violence that time.

So called accusations are only from Calvert...n he has not provided any
proof for the same.

Edward Verdes

----- Original Message ----- From: "anil desai" > Response:

Since you asked this question, I heard one song on youtube. I heard two
serious accusations made against the priest of Colva.
You may or may not know but right now two Hindu godmen are under arrest in
India and a third one is under investigation.

You should be aware of paedophilia allegations against catholic priests
currently even Pope is accused of inadvertently sheltering a paedophile
priest. Last week, the chief exorcist for the Vatican claimed that Satan
taken residence in the Vatican I believe all religions, including mine,
religious leaders who betray trust of their followers.It is for our
respective religions to sort out their internal problems.

My interest is not  human frailties but breaking of law by violence or
threats of violence by people with extremist opinions and particularly its
exploitation by pseudo-secular political operatives.

Threat of violence against Hussain was wrong and so was the violence in
Colva. I condemn both in no uncertain terms. The pseudo-secularist
operators in India see bad in Hindu religion only. Marshal is one such
operator. Anand and I have asked him several simple questions and he is
clearly having difficulty answering them.

Anil Desai

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