On 17 March 2010 11:16, Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Propaganda always involves deception and blowing
> things out of proportion. It is evident at both
> extremes of the political spectrum.


"Propaganda" as a term is not pejorative in origin.  It comes from the
Latin propagare "to propagate".

Still, in some cultures, it has neutral or even positive connotations.
 In the 20th century, it took on negative meanings particularly in the
West, because of the campaigns (propaganda) by ideologies seen as
hostile to Western liberal capitalism.

Some groups have described themselves with the "P" label: don't forget
Congregatio de Propaganda Fide! US and the UK in World War II and the
Cold War suggest that it's an activity not only restricted to "both
extremes of the political spectrum".

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda

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