....Legal and Admin Director wrote to me, letter received 12th December
2009, rejecting my resignation, furthermore giving me an ultimatum - might
as well call him 'De Mendonca, the ultimatum man!'  This was when the G.O.A.
Board were fully aware that I was away on vacation.

I arrived back in the U.K. with just a couple of days to spare.The letter
stated that it was unacceptable that I had posted my resignation on Goanet,
even though I had sent my letter to the Company secretary, by recorded
delivery mail - in short, they were peeved that I had resigned on an open
forum as well.

This is what was quoted back to me by 'honourable Legal and  Admin Dir. Paul
De Mendonca:-

''I quote below the relevant Article (5) on this subject.

''....any such member may resign from the G.O.A. by giving notice in writing
to the Secretary......''

Then I was given a specimen letter, on how to resign by 'Hon Legal and Admin
Dir. Paul De Mendonca'

The specimen letter was to be addressed to the 'Company Secretary'. I was
further informed elsewhere in the letter to tender my resignation to the
'Company Secretary' or else they would call an E.G.M. to expel me -
apparently this was an unanimous decision by the General Body!  Decision
arrived at, after hearing their side of the story; my letter of protestation
was not read.

The Board of the G.O.A. prejudged and only put their side of the story and
directed the outcome at the E.G.M. Instead of following best practice
benchmark standard - they follow worst practice standard.

I replied, that according to the Rules, the resignation letter had to be
sent to the 'Secretary' not the 'Company Secretary' as  stated by' Hon Admin
and Legal Director, Paul De Mendonca. The only reason that I had sent my
letter to the Company Secretary was because the Secretary would not
correspond with me. This is an example of a person at the helm of the G.O.A.
who is supposedly a 'Legal and Admin Director' but one who can't read or
does not know the difference between a 'Secretary and a Company
Secretary'...but still wants to show me the way!

The Secretary and I had a big fall out some years ago and that is why she
refused to correspond with me - even though I was a Life Member. She had
written a letter to me requesting that I support her pet Charity - a young
girl who needed funds in the region of £50k for a cochlear implant - the
Secreary, wife of the President, applied mild pressure or tried to coerce,
by stating that we were Catholics and that we should open up our wallets -
words to this effect were used.

I replied and asked her if she was a proper Catholic herself. It was meant
to question her marital status, as a Catholic.  She understood me full well
and that is where the problem stems.

Time and money spent on the G.O.A.

I put in my own money, time and effort to save the Club, also in 1984 on a
visit from Hong kong, I immediately opened my wallet and donated on the spot
£500 towards a T.V. This was promptly stolen along with a safe which had a
substantial sum of money. The Police declared that it was an inside job. No
guesses to who was in charge then and who was the Financial Director at that

I put in money to pay up the Debenture holders who would have every right to
foreclose the Association if they were not promptly paid on time.

This calamity arose because one Genius of a President had decided and
convinced the General Body that the funds that had been set aside to pay the
Debenture Holders would be better used to bail out his Board and their

In short, had I along with two others not stepped in to save the
Association, there would have been no assets to crow about now and
definitely no G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd today.

It ain't a big task to run an organisation with no encumberances to stymie
performance, with income over and above expenditure.

Another piece....

This week Galliard has been advertising a “luxury stock liquidation” of
new-build flats in Ilford, Essex, with two-bedroom apartments reduced from
£320,000 to £149,000. “This just shows how overpriced the properties were in
the first place,” says Kate Faulkner, of Designs on Property, the advice
website. “Buyers need to do their own research, and not be swayed by
promises of a ‘bargain’.

“Many who bought off-plan before the credit crunch fell victim to a slick
sales pitch from developers without consulting their own independent
advisers. For many it has been a very expensive mistake.”
Full read @



The recent newsletter by the Board asks if they should buy another property.
Well why not -- in for a Penny in for a Pound. Averaging makes good sense at
this stage. Especially as there are oodles of properties in the same region
as the existing investment. Whatever happened to the mooted idea of buying
Office space?

Lastly, I received an acknowledgement of my resignation over a month later.
This is contrary to what the President preaches, that acknowledgements are
done within a week and replies soon aftter. More over, it was the Legal and
Admin Director who wrote to me instead of the Secretary.

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

The Board has acknowledged that their model has broken and needs
fixing...they stated in their recent newsletter, to the effect that they can
and will change! The President declared: we are the envy of other
organisations; the P.R. Director has written on their website that Goans can
learn a thing or two from the other Indian organisations! The two Directors
should try and get their act together.

They are willing and can change? Don't hold your breath!. I have been
declared persona non grata - 'The management reserves the right of

It is as difficult for me to write this, as it has been difficult for the
G.O.A. Board to put out their sham piece to the members.

In short, their message is 'Don't question us, we are volunteers'. The past
Committees too were volunteers and did much more work and had to work within
their means.


Gabe Menezes.

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