ignatius fernandes wrote:

[1]  I was cock sure that F.N. would respond to my query by asking a
divisive question based on ethnicity which Governors whether Indian or

[2] Can you F.N. categorically deny that the Delhi appointed Governors
did not loot the artefacts left by the Portuguese in the Governor's
palace or Raj Bhawan in their tenure.

[3]  If you are positive and very sure then you should show proof that
no such activities took place


My dear Ignatius,

I will not even try get between you and FN.

However, I would like to point out two areas in your post - which you
probably have noted after you sent your post in:

a: Re #2 (above): "DENY that the Delhi appointed Governors DID NOT loot" ?

b: Re #3 (above): Expecting someone to provide 'proof that that no
such activities took place', is like expecting someone to prove that
he/she did not beat his/her spouse.

How does one prove a negative?

I suggest that IF there is verifiable proof that someone stole stuff
.....then one should place it on the table.

In a curious way .....you have given FN an opportunity to LOL



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