Ref: Message: 5
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 22:25:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sebastian Borges <>
To: GoaNet fred <>
Subject: [Goanet] Message-ID: <>

To all Konk'nni writers, Konk'nni readers, comments writers
and Konk'nni Criticisers.

Do not comment on Konk'nni writers - a Romi or Devanagri.
Do not criticise and Konk'nni writer - a Romi or Devanagri.
What is required today is to send a message to every Goan family
to speak and teach their child Konk'nni to talk to them in Konk'nni if
not all day but at list one hour a day.

If we teach our child Konk'nni in Devanagri it will be great.
The child will learn it better, grammar the spellings and everything.
Reason in Romi we follow no grammer, no spellings one write and
follow the way he/she wants.

People like Tomazino Cardoz, learned konk'nni talked konk'nni before
learning to say ABC in english. Tomazino Cardozo is senior to me and
I know him when he was composing his songs in Konkani and going to
sing in other villages driving his Bicycle, then on Scooter and frankly
speaking not seen him driving his car. What I want to say is Tomazino
Cardozo is a konk'nni lover and a professor by profession.

I heard songs from well known Tiatrists favouring Romi Konk'nni.
In my message today to all Composers of Konk'nni songs favouring
to Romi or Devanagri - to send a message to every parent to teach
their child KONK'NNI. Never mind Konk'nni Romi or Konk'nni Devanagri
We all Goans say KONK'NNI amchi mai bhas, I ask every Goan,

I live and work in Dubai, on Friday after every Mass I have noted 99% of
the Manglorian families talk in Konk'nni and not even 5% of Goan families.
The Goan bachelor boys - yes they are the only people talk in Konk'nni
to greet their friends, and even in the shopping Malls in Dubai.
Malayali and Tamil Families use their language to greet their friends.
Only Goan Families are shy to talk their MAI BHAS?

The Konk'nni songs Composers and Singers, Konk'nni writers - your message is
Talk to you child in Konk'nni, teach your child Konk'nni never mind if it's

Best Regards
Peter Fernandes

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