I had the misfortune to be caught up in this ruse.  14 plus years ago I was 
travelling from the USA to London where I was to catch a charter flight to 
Goa.  Weather conditions delayed my flight in the USA and so I missed my  
connecting charter flight from London to Goa and had to purchase a one-way 
ticket from London to Goa on a regular flight.  I figured that I could still 
use the return leg of the Charter flight.  
At departure time at the Goa airport, the police official asked me for the 
arrival card issued to incoming charter flight passengers.  I explained my 
situation to him.  He said that I had to have an arrival card or else I could 
not board the charter plane.  But for a "fee" he would give me a card.  I gave 
him U.S. $ 20 and he wrote something on a piece of paper and placed a rubber 
stamp on it and allowed me to go to the departure gate.  This paper was then 
handed over at the departure gate.
 Since I did not get a receipt I guess it was a bribe ?  Imagine my situation.  
I had to board the flight or pay an exorbitant amount for a regular flight if I 
could get one.  So paying the
 $ 20 seemed the easiest way out at the time. My conversation with the 
policeman was in Konkani, but my fellow passengers (Britishers) who were 
watching, figured out what had happened and asked me about it.  I was 
thoroughly ashamed to be  a Goan on that day.
I guess there are many more such stories.....................
This was the first and last time that I travelled by a Charter flight..... but 
that is another
story for another time.

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