Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Justice Saldanha's Open Letter to the Home Minister (Karnataka).
When a retired High Court addresses an open letter, it is no rocket
science to understand
that it must involve facts.  However, you are free to contact v.s.
acharya - home minister of
Karnataka for more information.

I have given a few links for your convenience, Media is choosy, will
pick stories that are of interest to them, and their readership is
dwindling fast, so will the revenue from Ads. One does add websites of
interest to the 'favourites' option.

Anyway, i have provided few links below and a news clip that was
picked from Panaji (PoNje)
see below::

Do listen: (BBC - British Broadcasting Corp.! below):

Police Inaction Over Attempted Murders in Recent Punjab Anti-Christian
Violence (below)
The 3-page executive summary of the report is available at:
Vandals attack Catholic cemetery in Goa

Published Date: March 24, 2010

PANAJI, India (UCAN) — Vandals attacked a Catholic cemetery in Goa on the night
of March 22, damaging a grotto, three crosses, a mausoleum, an altar
and other items.

Police rushed to the site in Chandor village with a sniffer dog and fingerprint
experts. They questioned people, including two constables on night patrol duty.

They said the vandals entered the cemetery by breaking the lock of a side gate.

The vandals reportedly placed tiles on the altar in the cemetery to avoid
leaving footprints and destroyed statues in the cemetery.

In what is believed to be a related incident, vandals destroyed a wayside cross
in another parish. The cross was knocked from the pedestal where it stood barely
30 meters from a police outpost.

These incidents occurred amid a controversy over illegal religious structures on
public land.

The government had listed some 800 structures, including some wayside crosses
and chapels.

Father Saude Pereira, a parish priest, has urged people to remain calm and let
the police find the culprits.

Agnelo Fernandes, a Catholic lay leader, told UCA News the incidents were an
attempt to create disharmony.

Urban Development Minister Joaquim Alemao, a Catholic, visited the scene of the
crime. He said the cemetery desecration was a “conspiracy to target
the government.”

Message: 10
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 19:57:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com>
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Justice Saldanha's Open Letter to the Home
Message-ID: <390629.3445...@web110312.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, MD <mmdme...@gmail.com> wrote:

It is rather ironic a request to check the 'authenticity'
or crebilidity.? What do newspapers in Goa cover?

It is important to verify the authenticity of facts described in
inflammatory reports from activist websites, when they are circulated
in open public forums such as Goanet.

Please note that the post appended below does not address the facts
referred to in my last post in this thread, and does not provide links
to mainstream Indian national news media websites.



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