Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


This was published in The Guardian today.

How many posters on this forum or readers of the posts on this forum would
be in favour of this?

Let me make my position clear. All suspected criminals should face due
process of law, whether the individuals involved are political leaders like
Modi or religious leaders like Shankaracharya accused of murder or Pope
allegedly shielding known paedophiles.
Equality before law is an important principle of democracy.

Let the debate begin.

Here is the article:

 The pope on trial would show what equality before the law means

The case against Benedict rests on international law's potential to judge
all alike. No wonder the powerful are resisting it

Confession and repentance are not among the Christian virtues practised by the
pope <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/pope-benedict-xvi>. He has
the rape of children by Catholic priests in Ireland; but this is one
the few paedophilia scandals now shaking the church in which neither he nor
members of his inner circle were involved. He condemned the Irish bishops'
"grave errors of judgment" and "failures of leadership", but of his own
grave errors and failures – in Munich, Wisconsin and
he says not a word, except to dismiss the issue as "petty gossip". His
response to this scandal reminds you of the origins of the verb to

Shut out of his closed, self-regulated world, the victims of sacerdotal rape
could only rage in frustration. Until now.

Over the weekend, the authors Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens
announced that they've asked lawyers to prepare a case against the
Recently, in the Guardian, Geoffrey
the barrister they are consulting, explained that senior churchmen who
protected paedophile priests, swore their victims to secrecy and allowed the
perpetrators to continue working with children, committed the offence of
aiding and abetting sex with minors. Practised on a large scale, this
becomes a crime against humanity recognised by the international criminal
court. This is the general Vatican policy over which the then Cardinal
Ratzinger is accused of presiding. When Benedict comes to the UK in
September he could, if Dawkins and Hitchens get their warrant, be arrested.

At last we are waking up to what international law means. For the first time
in modern history the underlying assumption of political life – that
those who exercise power over us will not be judged by the same legal and
moral norms as common citizens – is beginning to crack.

International law is the belated reply to one of the oldest surviving
aphorisms in the English language. There are half a dozen versions, but the
best known is this: "They hang the man and flog the woman / That steals the
goose from off the common / But let the greater villain loose / That steals
the common from the goose." This is the way we thought it would remain. The
powerful were licensed by our expectations to carry on committing great
crimes, while their subjects were punished for lesser offences. No longer.
Picture the pope awaiting trial in a British prison, and you begin to grasp
the implications of the radical idea that has never yet been applied:
equality before the law.

At the same time as Dawkins and Hitchens laid out their case, the
barrister Polly
our perceptions of what legal equality means. Last Friday she
launched a campaign to have a fifth crime against peace recognised by the
international criminal court. The crime is ecocide: the destruction of the
natural world.

The laws of most nations protect property fiercely, the individual
capriciously, and society scarcely at all. A single murder is prosecuted;
mass murder is the legitimate business of states. Only when these acts are
given names – genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes of
aggression – do we begin to understand their moral significance.

The same applies to nature. The Wildlife and Countryside Act
1981<http://www.jncc.gov.uk/page-1377>criminalises anyone who
"intentionally picks" a single flower from a
protected plant. But you can grub up as many as you like as long as it's "an
incidental result of a lawful operation". Pick a buttonhole and you could
find yourself in the dock. Plough out the whole habitat and the law can't
touch you.

Higgins gives some examples of ecocide: the tar sands mining in Alberta, the
Pacific garbage patch, the pollution of the Niger Delta by oil companies.
She points out that ecocide is rarely a crime of intent, but in most cases
an incidental consequence of other policies.

Company directors or politicians could be prosecuted individually, but
instead of being fined they would be charged for the restoration of the
natural systems they've damaged. The purpose of criminalising ecocide is to
raise the costs of trashing the planet to the point at which it ceases to be
worthwhile. This is the obvious outcome of a wider understanding of legal
equality: why should private property be protected while the common wealth
of humanity is not?

International law as currently applied is often described as victors'
justice: the only people who get prosecuted are those who lose the wars they
fight with powerful states. It's not even that. Last week we learned that
about 50 suspected war criminals or human rights abusers are living in
Britain. Among them are alleged torturers who worked for Saddam Hussein's
government, one of Robert Mugabe's henchman, a member of Sudan's Janjaweed
militia and a gruesome collection of Afghan warlords. But the police have
been given no budget to investigate them and the Crown Prosecution Service
has no resources with which to pursue them. So, while shoplifters are sent
down, alleged mass murderers walk freely among us.

So much for the prime minister's promises. A month ago, after Tzipi Livni,
the former Israeli foreign minister, cancelled her visit to Britain for
fear of being arrested under a warrant obtained by human rights campaigners,
Gordon Brown wrote an article for the
which he proposed to stop private prosecutions for crimes against
humanity. Brown maintained that the warrant was supported by only "the
slightest of evidence", and that those seeking Livni's arrest had
"set out only to grab headlines". But the evidence for the crimes against
which Livni has been linked – laid out in the Goldstone report and
elsewhere – is massive, detailed and hard to dispute.

Brown went on to make another statement that was plainly false: "Britain
will always honour its commitment to international justice. The police here
remain ready to investigate cases; the Crown Prosecution Service to bring
them; the courts to hear them." His government has rebuffed calls to set up
a specialist war crimes unit and failed to produce a dedicated penny for the
prosecution of war crimes suspects.

Then he explained his real purpose in seeking to prevent private actions.
People like Livni, he said, represent "countries and interests with which
the UK must engage if we are not only to defend our national interest but
maintain and extend an influence for good across the globe". Britain, in
other words, will not investigate or prosecute its allies. His article
demonstrated the opposite of what he set out to show: that if there is a
case for prosecuting foreign dignitaries visiting this country, the
authorities will take care of it. Without private actions of the kind that
Dawkins and Hitchens hope to launch, equality before the law remains an
empty threat.

Brown's desperate wriggling over the Livni case suggests that governments
are beginning to grasp the shocking implications of what they have signed up
to. It's time we did the same. There's a promise implicit in international
law: the end of the age of exceptions.


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